5 Things To Know Before Letting Your Dog In Your Bed

Have just adopted a pet? Maybe you found a cute new puppy. Are you thinking of letting your dog in your bed? Wait. Make sure you take note of this post first. After all, you’ll want to be able to make an informed decision. So, try to ignore the pleading puppy watching you, begging to be allowed to climb into your bed each night.
Things To Bear In Mind
It’s recommended that dogs sleep alone in their own separate beds. But, the reality is that many people often share their bed with a beloved pet.
This blog isn’t designed to tell you if this is a good or a bad thing. Each case is different. And as long as we aren’t putting our dog’s physical or mental health at risk by treating them like a fellow human, all owners have the right to choose who shares their mattresses and blankets with them.

Many choose to sleep with their partner. Others prefer to be alone.
Sure, it’s a matter of personal preference. But if you choose to allow your dog to sleep in your bed, there are a number of issues you should consider
Make sure you read these key points before you let your dog in your bed.
1 – It interrupts your rest
Some recent research indicates that sleeping with our pets actually allows us to rest better. However it’s also well known that sharing a bed with a furry friend can certainly interfere with your sleep cycle. Dogs often move about a lot during the night. So, they wake themselves – and you – up.
And this can have a significant impact. After all, it’s been shown that if you’re not able to rest well during the night, you will wake up in the morning in a mad mood. Or, you won’t be able to complete all the tasks you had planned to do. And, you may even have a weaker immune system. As a result, you could be more vulnerable sickness.
2 – Dogs bring bacteria and fungi into your bed
Make sure you keep in mind the difference between a dog’s life and your life. Dogs walk without shoes in lots of places you probably wouldn’t dream of treading barefoot. Just imagine the germs from the street. They also lie on the floor and sometimes get into dirt or trash. This means that harmful bacteria and fungi can build up on their bodies. So if you are going to let your dog in your bed, make sure you take stringent hygiene measures first.
3 – It can cause or exacerbate allergies
If you suffer from allergies, it would be best to keep your bedroom as a place free from irritating allergens. And your furry friend, of course, can aggravate the situation. In any case, you should be sure to find out if you are allergic to the proteins that are present in your dog’s dandruff, the scales of its skin, or those in its urine, saliva, or fur.
4 – Risk of disease transmission
When you let your dog in your bed, you run a heightened risk of contracting a number of diseases. These are transmitted to humans by animals, especially through their internal or external parasites. So, if you do choose to keep the bedroom door open to your dog, make sure you don’t get complacent when it comes to taking precautions. Especially, deworm your dog often. And, stick to a vaccination plan agreed with your dog’s vet.
5- Your dog may develop behavioral problems if you let your dog in your bed

It’s a strong possibility that, if you let your dog in your bed, it will urinate in the bed as a way of marking it as their territory. Other behavioral problems may also present themselves – for example, it may become overly attached to you, getting too dependent and suffering from separation anxiety, as well as a number of other issues.
Your Dog, Your Bed, And You
Now if, having read about all the potential issues, you’re still keen and think you can control the risks, go ahead – as long as your pet doesn’t already have any obvious behavioral problems.
Sleep happily with your furry friend. But, remember to make it clear that each of you has their own place in the bed. It’s not necessary to stick together all night, or crush each other.
And if your partner sleeps in the bed while you let your dog in th ebed, make sure you are your partner both agree on this decision. While three can sometimes be a crowd, there can be plenty of room for everyone to sleep soundly. But, this is only true if the sleeping arrangements are planned with good communication and in a loving spirit.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.