What to Do with Your Cat on Your Holiday Trips

It’s true that all pets are different. While some cats can be up to three days at home alone, there are others for whom one day alone is too much. So, before you even think of adopting one, figure out what you’ll do with them during your holiday trips.
Having an animal is a big responsibility, as you well know. It’s important that you know where you’ll leave yours during your holiday trips.
What to do with your cat during your holiday trips
Of course, we would all love to take our pets with us everywhere we go. Especially during our holiday trips. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible due to all sorts of restrictions or extra charges we would have to deal with. So, if you must leave yours behind, then there are several things you should take into account.
Leaving them at home

Cats like to have a routine. The less you modify their environment the more comfortable they’ll be. So, in most instances, it’s better to just leave them at home. However, if your holiday trips will be long, then you should find someone to look after them.
The least upsetting scenario for your cat is to find someone willing and able to go by your house and feed them. Even better if they can also spend some quality time with them.
If you’re only going away for the weekend, then your cat will, most likely, be fine if you leave it home alone. As long as you leave it enough food and clean water in different places, in addition to some clean litter boxes they can use.
Leave your cat with a friend during your holiday trips
If there’s no one nearby who can go by your house and feed your cat every day, perhaps there’s someone who wouldn’t mind taking them in for a few days (or weeks). It would be great if the cat already knows them and, if possible, that your friend or relative has no pets of their own.
Unfortunately, this option is a little more stressing for the animal than the previous one. However, you’ll have peace of mind calm knowing your furball is in a safe and loving place.
Consider cat boarding

When none of the above options is viable for you, then consider cat boarding. Don’t just take them to the first place you find online, instead, take your time to go check them out and make sure the facilities are acceptable. Observe how the caregivers treat their cat guests. Are they kind, attentive, and caring? If possible, bring yours along to see how they react.
There are many sources of information and opinions all over the Internet. Read them to ensure that your cat will be treated well if you leave them there. For sure there are at least a couple cat boarding places near you. So, if you don’t like one place don’t hesitate to look for a second choice, or a third …
Bring them along
When it comes down to it, nobody knows your cat better than you do and being near you is the best place they can be. So, if you think they can handle a trip and they’re adaptable then go ahead and bring them along.
However, as we said before, cats like having a routine and they might stress out if it changes. If your cat is the nervous and jumpy kind then it may not be a good idea to take them out of their environment.
Whatever option you decide upon, put yourself in your cat’s paws. Also, how leaving them behind or bringing them along makes you feel.
Keep in mind that if you leave them with someone, your cat may become surly and reluctant to approach you. They’ll think you abandoned them (even if you know otherwise).
Give them time and don’t force them to be affectionate or to come to you. It’ll pass, and you’ll have plenty of time to rekindle your friendship.
An animal is a huge responsibility and you must take several things into account before you adopt one. For example, do you travel often? Do you move often? Are you a workaholic? If you said yes to any of those questions then it’s better if you give up on the idea of having a pet. Cats are social creatures, and it wouldn’t be fair to them.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.