Blizzard and Lulu, An Odd But Endearing Couple

In today’s article you can read about Blizzard and Lulu, two very special dogs. The thing is that one is a veritable giant, a Saint Bernard. The other is a diminutive Japanese Spaniel.
The two dogs are typical examples of their respective breeds. However, it would be hard to find an odder couple than these two. The gentle giant is enamored with the exceptional personality of his miniature companion, who spends a great deal of her time riding around on her large friend’s back.
Their story: How did Blizzard and Lulu start off?

Source: Blizzard and Lulu’s Facebook page
Blizzard and Lulu live together with their human family in the city of Mount Vernon, in the county of Skagit, in the State of Washington, United States.
When Lulu first arrived at the Mazzarella family’s house, she was still a little puppy (even smaller than she is now!). She found a favorite spot quickly, on Blizzard’s back, where she could be comfortable, warm and safe.
The Saint Bernard didn’t raise any objections. He immediately assumed the role of older brother, and even that of protective dad of the new pup of the house, according to the owner of the canines.
The two dogs became great friends and Lulu adopted Blizzard’s back as her personal means of transport.
Learn about tiny Lulu’s story and about her inseparable friend Blizzard. The Japanese Spaniel chose the giant Saint Bernard’s back as her particular resting place and exclusive way of getting around. The two animals are so adorable and hilarious together that they have their very own Instagram account.
More details on these inseparable canine friends
The remarkable friendship between these two furry friends is such that when Lulu isn’t perched up on her friend’s back, she spends her time protesting until she gets her unique throne back. And for his part, Blizzard seems to be quite satisfied with the way things are.
According to David, the dogs’ owner, his Saint Bernard is the most relaxed and tolerant dog that he’s ever known. He assures us that you could even take a bone out of his mouth without encountering resistance or without the dog even growling.
On the other hand, it’s clear that Lulu is the one who wears the pants in this friendship. It’s quite funny to see how creative she is in getting her own way and in making Blizzard conform to her every wish.
Two canines with their own Instagram account
These days, the virtual world is almost a basic element of life. So of course, David Mazzarella, the dogs’ owner, didn’t hesitate to create an Instagram account for his pets so the world could meet them too. Together, they post photos and videos that show off the extraordinary friendship between these two cute and furry friends.
On their account, you can check out this odd (but endearing) couple doing the following:
- Going sightseeing
- Enjoying playing in the snow or in fields of flowers
- Watching the sunset
- Interacting with other animals and with people
- Just chilling out
- Watching TV
You’ll also be able to see how Lulu asks Blizzard to let her get up on his back. And you’ll see this petite yet outgoing dog jumping up to reach her goal of viewing the world from another angle. They are really two very enchanting and hilarious dogs.
If you want to watch these inseparable friends in action, here’s the link to their Instagram account.
Blizzard and Lulu, typical examples of their breeds

Source: Blizzard and Lulu’s Facebook page
Without a doubt, these two good friends are typical examples of their respective breeds. Why do we say that?
Well, among the particular characteristics of the Japanese Spaniel, you will find that they have a decided preference for perching on raised surfaces. These can be things like sofas and chairs, where they like to rest.
In this case, Lulu seems to have chosen a live sofa! And one that even carries her around. What’s more, if you dig deeper into the peculiar traits of this breed, you’ll even learn that they don’t really need that much exercise. That’s a good thing too, considering that Lulu prefers riding to walking.
On the other hand, Saint Bernards are dogs that are known for being friendly, relaxed and affectionate. Many call them “nanny dogs”, thanks to their predilection for being with kids.
This is probably a contributing factor as to why Blizzard chose to be the babysitter for his child-like, temperamental friend, Lulu.
Source of photos: Blizzard and Lulu’s Facebook page
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.