Why Your Dog Doesn't Stop Thinking About Eating

Dogs have many beautiful qualities that stand out above other living beings. However, they also have very peculiar characteristics that define them in a very special way. One of them is gluttony. Yes, these furry creatures are big eaters by nature. It’s something innate in them. Your dog doesn’t stop thinking about eating.
Surely many times you are at home, cooking, and your canine buddy comes running like a vacuum to pick up any small piece that fell on the floor. It doesn’t matter if he has already eaten or not, he always will. Why doesn’t a dog stop thinking about eating? Today at My Animals, you will find out.
A study shows that your dog doesn’t stop thinking about eating for a biological purpose

It seems that the alteration of a gene related to canine obesity has been related to the anxiety dogs have to eat everything they find. Apparently, this genetic alteration occurs more in Labradors. The experiment that was used also discovered that these dogs are easily trainable with just one cookie.
Eleanor Raffan, a veterinarian at the University of Cambridge, was responsible for this study that used farm dogs. Out of all the dogs used in this study, Labradors were the most obese and they tend to have more anxiety to eat than other dog breeds.
This study consisted of choosing 18 obese and 15 thin dogs. First, the genes related to obesity were identified and it was discovered that a variation in the POMC gene could be the cause of anxiety and obesity. Why?
This gene is responsible for telling the brain and stomach that the body is nourished and there’s no need for more food. It does this by creating a feeling of satiety in which there is no room for food. However, the variation of this gene prevents the neuropeptides and endorphins that are responsible for giving the order of satiety are generated, thus creating anxiety.
However, as mentioned earlier, it’s possible that this genetic anomaly explains why Labradors are the most trainable dogs to be used for assistance.
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The training to be a guide dog, therapy dog or helper always includes food that dogs love. This could explain why most of the dogs assigned to these tasks are Labradors.
According to Raffan, “it’s surprising that they feel more motivated by food and that is why their chances of being chosen for assistance or therapy are much higher than other dogs of different breeds.” However, Raffan does not want to say it for sure. Although it’s a very logical hypothesis, too much could be said and it’s not proven with any scientific basis.
What if my dog’s genes don’t stop him from thinking about eating?

Well, there is no need to worry if your dog has this genetic anomaly because they can have a normal life. However, you must provide some extra attention. For example:
- They should do more exercise than usual and you’ll have to always watch the food rations.
- They can’t consume more calories than they spend so they do not become obese.
- You’ll have to keep the food safe, whether it’s yours, the family’s, or the dogs. Don’t leave their food bag open or one day you’ll arrive home and there will be nothing left.
- Don’t let them in the kitchen while you cook. If necessary, put them in a separate to prevent them from entering. Once you’re done, sweep the floor well before letting go them again.
- If their food has a lot of fat, change it for a food with more protein that will help them lose weight and provide them with a healthier lifestyle.
Hopefully, after reading this article, you have learned why your dog doesn’t stop thinking about eating.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.