Cat Café: Where You Can Surround Yourself With Cats

About two years ago, a new initiative called “cat café” began to appear in Spain. Once we spoke to you about Espai de Gats, one of these establishments that was created in Barcelona and currently there is one in Madrid. Read this article to find out about these places and what can be done in them. If you’re a cat lover, then you shouldn’t miss it.
What is a Cat Café?

Author: Espai de gats
A cat café is a place to drink coffee with cats. Don’t think it’s a place where you can take your cat, no, rather it’s more like a place where you can be surrounded by cats.
You can drink something like a coffee or some other drink, you can connect to a Wi-Fi network, work with your laptop, read the newspaper or whatever you want. All with good and soft background music.
We’re pretty much sure that when you enter a cat cafe you won’t want to leave. Cats have made these places even more welcoming than before.
Why cats in a cafe?
Besides wanting cat lovers to surround themselves with their favorite animal while they drink what they like the most, the fact that there are cats all over the place has a definite purpose.
These cats come from shelters and are animals that seek an owner and for some reason they haven’t been able to find it. This type of premises gives kitten lovers the opportunity to be with them on a daily basis, to get to know their personality and find out if there is a feline that fits their needs.
Maybe you have another cat and you want to adopt one more or you don’t have any and you’d like to have one. In a cat café, you’ll be given the opportunity to get to know them well before you can make a decision based on the feelings that each of them awakens.
You can play with them, caress them, put them in your lap, feed them. You only run the risk of falling in love with one of them.
Where did the idea come from?
This isn’t very clear, but what we do know is that there are different cat coffee shops all over the world: Taiwan, London, Paris, Budapest, Japan, and others.
It seems that the one in Taiwan was the first one to have it’s gran opening in 1998, or at least the first one that has been recorded.
Undoubtedly, it’s an excellent tool to find a home for cats. Hopefully, there will be more cat cafés worldwide.

For now, in Spain you can enjoy two: The Gatoteca in Madrid and the Espai de Cats in Barcelona. If you visit one of these two cities you can’t stop yourself from going into one of these two cat cafés, because whether you’re a cat lover or not, your curiosity must be satisfied.
For example, in the Gatoteca de Madrid a donation of 5 euros is requested upon entry, which includes a drink. Not bad, considering that this money will be used to feed, provide veterinary attention and take care of the cats that live there, which are are waiting to be adopted.
Espai de Gats is a place that opened its doors just two months ago. Two good friends created this place as a result of their many trips around the world.
It’s excellent news that there are entrepreneurs who dare to do something different, something that helps the most unfortunate animals. This is definitely Good news for animal lovers.
If you’re more of a dog person, you’re probably wondering: what about a similar place but with dogs? Who knows! The world is full of entrepreneurs.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.