How the Character of a Neutered Dog Changes

If you are thinking about whether or not to neuter your furry friend and if it will change the way he behaves, this article is for you. Read on to find out how the character of a neutered dog changes.
The changes that happen in male dogs after castration
The first thing you should know is that only behaviors related to male sex hormones will change after a dog is neutered. As testosterone levels go down after a dog’s castration, behaviors like the following should also go down:

- Marking his territory (urinating) in the house.
- Going off in search of females in heat, risking getting in an accident or getting lost.
- Aggression. However, there are many other reasons besides competing for a mate that dogs may be aggressive.
- Indiscriminate mounting — of other dogs, males included, people and objects.
Neutered dogs will change only in ways related to their male sex hormones. That’s why it’s important to have it done when they’re between 6 and 9 months old, before they reach sexual maturity.
Additional information about castration
Keep in mind, however, that mounting, in addition to being a sexual behavior, can also be playful or a way to strengthen social control. In any case, after castration mounting will go down but only when it has sexual motives.
At any rate, understand that a dog’s interest in copulating may not disappear completely if he finds a receptive female. If this happens occurs, rest assured that she cannot get pregnant.
These are reasons that it’s best to castrate a dog before it reaches sexual maturity — between 6 and 9 months — to prevent him from continuing to develop these behaviors after the operation.
In addition, you should know that the results of castration depend upon the personality, physiology and history of your pet. Afterwards, you always have the option of consulting a canine behavior specialist to help eliminate unwanted behaviors.
Does a neutered dog get fat and lose the urge to play?
In short, although people present this as fact, the truth is that a neutered dog will not get lazier or less playful. And if he does lose his desire to play, then you can address this with a proper diet. Castration can cause dogs to gain weight, making them get tired more easily and want to rest more.
But you can help by feeding him food made specifically for neutered dogs and taking him out to exercise enough. Consult a veterinarian about your options.
More benefits of neutering your dog
Other advantages of neutering your dog are:
- His risk will go down for certain diseases: prostate issues, tumors related to hormone levels, perineal hernias, etc.
- He will be protected from contagious diseases that spread during mating.
- Shelters won’t fill up with unwanted puppies.
Be a responsible owner

So now you know, a neutered dog will still be the dog he always was. And by doing your duty as a good pet owner, you’ll be preventing canine overpopulation and the abandonment of unwanted puppies.
But if you still have questions about castration, get informed and ask questions. Feel free to get second opinions and learn all about it. In order to make a responsible decision about it, you should get as much information as possible and balance the pros and cons about whether or not to neuter your dog.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.