Does Your Dog Dislike Visitors? Check Out These Tips!

We love our dog. We care for him more than most. But every time visitors come to our house, we want to lock him up. Why are some dogs so unbearable when visitors come to the house? What can be done to prevent or even change this behavior?
Why do dogs dislike visitors in the home?
In order to prevent or redirect a behavior, we must first know the cause. There are many reasons why our dog might not like the visits. Here are some:
They intrude on his territory

Dogs are herd and territorial animals, and it may have been difficult to make him see you as his leader. He has now accepted it and feels happy under your government in his territory. His territory – that he does not want to belong to anyone else.
When strangers come into his home, he sees them as a threat to what is his: his home. As a result, he can be aggressive with visitors.
Bad training
Then there is the other side of the coin: the overly affectionate dog. While the former would show aggressiveness, this one is so loving that he becomes overbearing and cloying, becoming more annoying than adorable.
This happens because when he was a puppy, he was not trained to know his place. That is, puppies are precious when they are young, and everyone wants to see and pet them. But when they are older, things change, especially if your friends now have children.
If, from the beginning, you have allowed your dog to do what he wants when there are visitors, it is very likely that he will continue doing so now. In his mind, he is still the same puppy as he was a few months ago.
Fear of losing your love may be another reason why the dog does not want visitors to come to the house. This is not such a strange attitude, because this even happens with children.
Remember that, like a child, a dog is dependent, in this case, on you. If he perceives a threat to his receiving your love and attention, he is very likely to act aggressively.
His peace
When he arrived as a puppy, it may have been difficult to adapt and see your house as his new home. Over time, he has succeeded in doing this. His home is a refuge in which he can be at peace.
Then suddenly, while he is sleeping, strangers arrive, making noise — with the doorbell, during greetings, with their children, by talking — and his peace is disturbed. Who likes to have guests in their home without warning? Surely not you. Well if we think about it, your dog’s reaction is logical.
How to prevent his bad behavior with visitors
Do not worry. Even if you have not trained your dog since he was a puppy, there are several things you can do to prevent or eradicate his bad behavior with visitors.
Talk to your guests
We must remember that between us and the animal, he is the weak one because he is dependent and needs our help. Talk to your guests and ask them not to act afraid, not to yell when opening the door and to let your dog smell them while they remain silent.
Once these steps are carried out, ask them to say something nice or to put their hands near him so that he can smell them and they can pet the dog if he allows it.
Ignore him
If the dog does not react well to the previous steps and begins to bark and growl, ignore him and ask your guests to do the same. As long as, of course, you are sure that he will not bite anyone.
Be careful with scaredy-dogs

Frightened dogs are a little more delicate, so we must take special care. Ask your guest not to look him in his eyes and not to play with him, even when the dog approaches.
He should be allowed to smell the guest without the guest making sudden movements or raising his voice. It is possible that in a few minutes he will trust the newcomer.
Above all, we must avoid doing anything that can make him more nervous. Be calm and patient, and you will successfully make your dog a charmer.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.