Colloidal Silver - Immunizing Properties on Dogs

Metals such as silver and gold have been used since ancient times – not only due to their economic value but also for their alleged healing properties. So, what is colloidal silver used for? And could some of these therapies might be harmful in the long-term?
What’s colloidal silver?
As the name implies, colloidal silver consists of a colloid, a solution. In it, small silver particles disperse in a solvent — distilled water, usually.
Colloidal silver is manufactured by an electrolysis process, so the silver particles have an electrical charge and repel each other. Because of this, they remain suspended in the solution.
Properties of colloidal silver
In addition to the physicochemical properties we’ve already mentioned, colloidal silver has a number of effects when it reacts with living organisms:
- Bactericide. Since the middle of the last century, people have used it as an antiseptic. Most of us stick to modern antibiotics these days.
- Bacteriostatic. This means it prevents the reproduction of bacteria.
- Antiviral. The silver nanoparticles can deactivate certain viruses such as the distemper virus in dogs and hepatitis B.
- Antifungal. Silver compounds have fungal and yeast growth inhibitory effects.
- Toxic neutralization. Silver is an element that binds to toxins and excretes them.
Its uses throughout history

Today, there’s controversy around the use of colloidal silver. Because, although there are documented cases of its use in the treatment of disease, the side effects are severe enough for it not to be considered a 100% effective and risk-free therapy. Even so, there are many pseudo therapies that support its effectiveness.
In the treatment of infections and viral diseases
Due to its antibacterial properties, people use colloidal silver to cure infections caused by bacteria, such as skin infections.
Decades ago, colloidal silver was used for treating diseases such as distemper or hepatitis B in dogs. Vets also used it in other animals such as monkeys and cattle because its action against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria yields good results in many cases. This is the reason why this substance is so popular.
However, we currently know that there are some toxic side effects, so the field of medicine doesn’t consider it a completely safe and effective treatment. Instead, scientists think of it as alternative medicine.

The best thing you can do to avoid serious diseases in your dog is to prevent them by sticking to their vaccination schedule including all their boosters.
If your dog still gets ill with distemper, parvovirus, or hepatitis, then you must consult your vet as soon as you notice the first symptoms.
Veterinarians can offer you the safest and most effective solutions for your pet’s diseases. Of course, you can always ask for a second opinion before opting for alternative therapies on your own.
Toxic effects of colloidal silver
- Argyria. The accumulation of silver in the body can change the skin and organs’ color. They usually turn grayish-blue.
- Accumulation of metals. Even though the excretion rate in dogs through urine and bile is high, the liver and other parts of the body still retain some of it.
- Using colloidal silver and silver nanoparticles in rodents, birds, and dogs can alter their digestive, reproductive, cardiovascular, and neurohormonal systems, according to some clinical experiments.
Thanks for reading.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Laboratorios Argenol. Plata Coloidal.
- Niels Hadrup, Henrik R. Lam. Oral toxicity of silver ions, silver nanoparticles and colloidal silver – A review, 2013.
- Roberto Vazquez-Muñoz, Belen Borregoc, Karla Juárez-Moreno, Maritza García-García, Josué D. Mota Moralesa, Nina Bogdanchikova, Alejandro Huerta-Saquero. Toxicity of silver nanoparticles in biological systems: Does the complexity of biological systems matter?, 2017.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.