Danko the Police Dog has Retired

Danko the Police Dog has Retired

Last update: 26 May, 2018

Some dogs make their mark not only on our lives, but on history. Ever since dogs began to work as service dogs, they have given us more than enough proof that they are worthy of honor and gratitude for their excellence. Today we’d like to tell you about a police dog named Danko.

We love dedicating space in My Animals to dogs like the one we’re discussing today, dogs who have given their lives to helping others. Today we’re going to talk about Danko, one of the first Special Operations Group dogs in Spain. Danko is now retired, after a life of self-denial and sacrifice. Here is his story.

Meet Danko, Police Dog

Danko, like most police dogs, is a German Shepherd. He was recruited 4 years ago and was only 5 when he was trained to carry out human rescue work.

We’re not completely sure how Danko got into it, whether he came from a family of police dogs or if his owners gave him up. Be that as it may, we do know that he was one of Spain’s first police dogs to show such intelligence and perseverance in the rigorous tests he went through, earning third place.

He has been involved in very dangerous operations, like the search and neutralization of criminals as well as search and rescue of missing persons. Danko did excellent work, but now after 5 years of service and at 9 years of age, it’s time for Danko to retire.

However, this comes with its own set of problems. Police dogs have no family or home. Therefore, when they retire, they need someone to adopt them.

But there was a campaign to support him on “Amores Perrunos” (Doggy Love), a section of a well-known Spanish television program called “El Hormiguero”. We are delighted to tell you that Danko has now been adopted

However, just like Danko, there are dozens of animals who have dedicated their lives to their country and then find themselves on the street. So, what happens to them?

Four Legged Heroes: A Beautiful Initiative

Source: www.elconfidencial.com

Even though some police dogs are adopted by one of the police officers, sometimes it’s not possible. Some officers already have more than one dog, others may have family members with allergies, and then there are officers who are promoted and moved to another location.

In short, there are a lot of situations that make it difficult to provide a home for these animals that have given their lives in service, protecting the people of their country.

Well, there’s more good news! A group of 10 policemen had a brilliant idea to help police dogs, firefighting dogs and similar service dogs retire.

The program has been operating for a few years now, and it’s called “Héroes de 4 patas”, which means “Four-Legged Heroes”. It encourages their adoption. It’s not easy, because as a rule these animals are already quite far along in their lives, but the program has been received well and found homes for many hero dogs already.

Why You Should Adopt a Retired Police Dog

There are dozens of reasons why it’s a good choice to  adopt a retired police dog. But we’re only going to mention a few:

  • They are sociable. Think about the fact that these dogs have been surrounded by people their whole lives. They know how to distinguish between good and bad people, and they are affectionate and self-sacrificing.
  • They are very disciplined. Becoming a police dog is not easy. The tests that the dogs have to endure are hard and take great mental strength and perseverance. Therefore, you won’t have to deal with the typical issues associated with adopting a new dog. No need to worry about keeping him or her from peeing on the floor or tugging on the leash.
  • They are excellent guard dogs. They’re already used to it. There is no better watchman for your home than a retired police dog.
  • They will give their lives for you. They are trained for it. A police dog’s loyalty goes even deeper than the loyalty you find in other dogs. If a police dog sees you in danger, he or she will rush to help you, regardless of the danger.

Police dogs are extremely hard-working. What better way to pay them back than to give them a home when they need it most? Would you like to adopt one? Then check out “Héroes de 4 Patas” (Four-Legged Heroes) website.

Images source: www.elconfidencial.com

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.