The Worldwide Problem of Stray Animals

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
During several different police operations in the Bronx, United States, agents have been able to rescue many stray animals. There were several different breeds of dog, and a variety of ages, from puppies to elderly dogs.
The solution that the Bronx police has been giving to these stray animals is to transfer them to zoonosis centers. Here, the cats and dogs will be able to receive all the necessary sterilization procedures in order to be put up for adoption.
The shelter animals collected in the Bronx are very friendly and sociable. After their rescue, the carers bath and examine them. They give them healthy food, deworm them, and give them their vaccinations. After that, they prepare them for neutering.
They are also checked for microchips, and returned to their owners if they have one. If they don’t, then they are put up for adoption.
Stray animals, a very common problem worldwide

We can see this problem of abandonment in most countries around the world. Stray animals are, unfortunately, a common sight in the streets, mainly due to people’s irresponsibility.
There are many causes that lead to abandonment. It could be due to a new birth, moving house, or even a death in the family.
How to act around stray animals
Here are some guidelines if we should ever find stray animals that are too afraid to come near us.
- The first thing we have to do is to prepare with a leash and collar, blankets and old shirts. In addition to that, we could get some appetizing food for them.
- After that, we should leave the food at a safe distance and then move away.
- The next phase is to sit next to the animal, neither too close nor too far away. We should adopt a calm attitude, which the dog will sense.
- Little by little we should bring the food closer to the dog.
- When the dog shows that it trusts us, then we should gently catch it by the neck, and attach the leash to its collar. If it doesn’t have a collar, we have no choice but to put one on. We should do this as gently as possible.
When we’ve caught him…
- When we’ve been able to catch him, then we can take him home. If its skin is very badly affected by some disease, infections, etc., then we should cover the animal with blankets or used clothes so as not to irritate its skin.
- Once we get home, we can start to feed it. We have to remember that animals in the street will have eaten leftovers of all kinds. If we start feeding it pet food, then it may well get indigestion. The adaptation process to new food must be gradual.
- The next day we should take it without fail to the veterinary clinic. If we don’t have any spare money or don’t really want to spend out on the animal, then we can ask for help with this from animal protection organizations. We can post photos on social networks, and carry out lotteries and raffles to raise money.
The purpose is adoption

The ultimate goal of collecting stray animals from the street is to find them a new family. Research clearly shows that sterilization is the key to preventing animal abandonment and streets full of abandoned pets.
Another very useful thing is to teach our children about animal protection. All of them are potential protectors or abusers. The lessons they receive today will condition their future actions. They must learn to have respect for animals.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.