The World's First Art Exhibition for Dogs
Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
The British insurance company, More Than, is now showcasing an art exhibition for dogs. British artist and inventor, Dominic Wilcox, is the creator of the exhibition.
This versatile artist, among many other things, draws, paints and invents things that would be worthy of any mad scientist. His inventions range from shoes with GPS that can guide the user directly to his house (perfect for a night out partying), to a bi-audio device that allows the user to listen to urban sounds separately, and also 3D printers.
An interesting exhibition for dogs
This exhibition for dogs is a reflection of the artist’s “controlled madness”. It’s an interactive exhibition that includes a car window simulator that’s been dubbed Cruising Canines. When they see it, the dog pokes their head out, and they’ll have the sensation that they’re moving.
There’s also a gigantic dog bowl full of balls; this one is called Dinnertime Dreams. The dog’s immediate reaction is to jump in for a ball. The piece even has some impressionist touches to it.
In one corner of the exhibition, there’s an area of artificial grass where water comes out. The dogs run and walk around as if they were in a park.
The creator’s opinion
According to Dominic Wilcox himself, animals can appreciate art as much as they can appreciate music. That’s because he paints his works of art colors like blue and yellow, which are totally visible to them.
Dogs have a less-developed sense of sight than we do, especially when it comes to seeing details. According to scientists, a dog’s vision is five times poorer than that of humans.
Doggy vision
While a person is able to distinguish an object or a toy 295 feet away, the dog will have to be within 66 feet of an object to make it out.
Also, the spectrum of colors that a dog can see is smaller than ours. Experts say that dogs see the world in two basic tones: blue and yellow. The dog exhibition clearly demonstrates this.
Our furry friends can’t differentiate between green, red, and orange. For dogs, these colors won’t look any different than they would to colorblind people.
Experts say that dogs are able to recognize images on the screen. They can even distinguish other animals that they have seen in their lives, as well as different sounds on the TV, like barking, voices, etc.
When watching a lot of characters on the TV, a dog can pick out other dogs that are among the people.
A quicker glance
A dog’s eye captures images more quickly than ours does. So, if we were to use old televisions as an example, ones that show fewer frames per second, then they wouldn’t be able to pick out anything. However, this is different now that the resolution of modern televisions is much greater.
Other factors that have a lot of influence are the breed and personality of the dog. For example, terrier-type dogs can react to TV images more than hounds. Hounds are more motivated by their sense of smell than their sight.
Hunting dogs, which use their smell to guide them, don’t usually care about these images. On the other hand, shepherd dogs, like terriers, feel attracted to what they see on the TV screen.
If you try to do a little test to see how your dog reacts to the TV, then you may not get any response out of him. This doesn’t mean that your dog is insensitive to it, but that the content isn’t specific enough for him.
Hearing a dog barking on TV normally excites dogs, though. Some dogs will bark at the other dogs on the screen, and they may even run behind the device, trying to find them!
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