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10 Things That Your Dog Can Predict

3 minutes
Everyone knows that dogs are intelligent and have highly developed senses, which are precisely what allows them to anticipate certain situations. It's true and scientifically proven, even though it seems hard to believe.
10 Things That Your Dog Can Predict
Last update: 26 January, 2018

Dogs have always been known as man’s best friend, but once you know another innate ability that our dog friends have, you will love your pet even more. Yes, your canine is capable of predicting at least 10 things before they happen.

Here are the 10 things your dog can predict


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It has been shown that dogs have the ability to know when you are pregnant even before you do. This is because their advanced sense of smell allows them to recognize any hormonal changes your body goes through.

When you leave

It doesn’t matter if you haven’t even picked up your keys to leave yet, or you haven’t put on your jacket. Your pet is able to detect your movements and know that you are leaving. This is strange, considering that animals have no notion of time. They do, however, have a great ability to observe, so they can anticipate the movements you make.

When you come home

You may not understand why, but before you even get to the corner, your dog is already barking or peeping out of the window. This happens because of the impressive sense of smell dogs have– they are able to smell you at a distance. A dog’s finely tuned ear helps too, because even though your scent is camouflaged inside a car, your canine will identify the sound of your vehicle a few meters away. 

How you’re feeling

It doesn’t matter if you don’t say anything, don’t look at your dog, or don’t even move– your pet knows when you are happy, sad, or angry, even when you do nothing at all. They can discern your emotions.

Giving birth

The connection created between a human and a dog is incredible. Dogs are able to notice any hormonal changes, as well as emotions and feelings, especially in women. Therefore, if you are pregnant and you see that your dog stays by your side for a few days, you will have your baby soon. Your pet feels the need to protect you and the smell is capable of determining exactly when the baby will be born.


We’ve already talked to you about dogs that can detect diseases like cancer and prostate disease. Some can detect low sugar levels and remind their owners to take their medications. Again, this achievement is due to a dog’s incredible sense of smell.


As a child you were probably afraid of dogs (especially the big ones) and your mother said, “Don’t be afraid, dogs smell fear.” Although many believe it to be a myth, this is actually true and scientifically proven! Fear makes our adrenaline level rise and generates pheromones that our dog friends are able to smell.

Changes in the weather

Dogs have finely tuned ears, and this, along with their instincts, helps them predict climate change. They are able to detect thunder before it reaches the place where they are. In many cases, we can observe very nervous dogs before a storm.


When a person is close to dying, changes happen in his body that a dog can perceive through his nose. Thus, a canine is able to predict the death of a person before it happens. 


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Many videos are circulating on the internet that show dogs running around like crazy just before an earthquake or tremor occurs. It has not yet been discovered whether this is due to a dog’s sense of smell, hearing, or because his legs are more sensitive to seismic waves.

As you can see, there are many things that your dog can predict. Pay attention to his movements so that you can find out when something is about to happen. Sometimes those events will be bad, as in disease or earthquakes, but others will be good, like pregnancy and labor. Do you understand now why dogs are man’s best friend?

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • D’Aniello, B., Semin, G. R., Alterisio, A., Aria, M., & Scandurra, A. (2018). Interspecies transmission of emotional information via chemosignals: from humans to dogs (Canis lupus familiaris). Animal cognition, 21(1), 67-78.
  • Powell, N. A., Ruffell, A., & Arnott, G. (2021). The untrained response of pet dogs to human epileptic seizures. Animals, 11(8), 2267.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.