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Why You Should Never Give Popcorn to Your Dog

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Why You Should Never Give Popcorn to Your Dog
Last update: 19 January, 2018

We get ready to watch a movie by lying on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. Who could be a better companion for a movie evening or night than your dog? It will curl up next to you, it will not interrupt, it will not tell you the ending, and it will not say anything if you get scared. But do not, for anything in the world, share your food with it during this activity. In this article, we will tell you why.

Movies with your dog: the best plan

Some figure

On cold, rainy or vacation days, we can enjoy our free time with the one who is always by our side: our dog. In the event that we want to see a movie on a Saturday night, we have nothing more to do than to sit ourselves on the sofa and wait for him to come and join us.

Without a doubt, it is the best option for winter and even for when we do not have money to party. You can take advantage of its body heat to keep your feet warm, hug it if the killer’s scene frightens you and even to cry uncontrollably at the end of a romance movie.

When we think of a movie, we automatically imagine a huge bag of popcorn, crispy, hot and rich. And that’s when we have a question: can we share it with our dog? If dogs are good at anything, it is using “puppy dog eyes” so that we cannot resist giving them what we are eating.

Unless you can keep your eyes on the screen and not once look at your pet, it will be very difficult for you to be the “bad guy” and not offer him a least a couple of pieces of popcorn. Is it safe for your dog to eat them? Soon you will know.

Considerations about popcorn

As a first step, we must bear in mind that we cannot give our dog the same things that humans eat. This always happens, even if there are foods that are suitable for pets. In the case of popcorn, it is not a very nutritious food (neither for us nor for them). However, it can serve as an element in training. That is, every time he does something right or learns a new “trick”, we give him a reward.

It is important to keep in mind that popcorn with butter, salt or added sugar can be harmful to your dog’s stomach health. In case you want to give one or two pieces as a reward for their good behavior, they should be natural and homemade. Excessive intake can lead to intoxication, vomiting or diarrhea.

Another issue to consider is that they can pose a risk of suffocation, especially in small dogs. The large pieces can get lodged in the throat, because it is probable that the animal will not chew it. In addition, kernels that have not popped can get stuck in its teeth or in its airways.

What if I just give my dog ​​a handful of popcorn?

We already know that extremes and excesses are not good. It is elementary to teach a dog not to beg for food when its owners are having lunch or dinner. But it is also essential that, as owners, we are smart about “fulfilling” the whims of our animal.

It is true that they are very convincing and can get a bite of food from even the most heartless. If we do not give them something off of our plate, we feel bad. We feel sorry. We say that “a little will not hurt,” etc.

In the case of popcorn, veterinarians indicate that everything depends upon the quantities and on the regularity. This means that if we give a handful from time to time and one by one, it is not bad for the dog.

To be suitable for our pet’s consumption, it should be natural: no butter, no sugar and no salt. Give him a piece of popcorn and wait a few minutes to give him another one. It’s not a matter of letting him eat the entire bag without supervision. It must not be left with the “desire” to enjoy the same food as its owner, either.

In general, this rich food that accompanies us while we watch movies is indisputably not a threat to our other companion (our dog). Because it contains carbohydrates, high quantities are not advisable even for us (especially if we do not want to gain weight).

Try to make the popcorn yourself. Make sure it does not contain any condiment or additive that can cause digestive problems for the dog. If you meet all these guidelines, you have “permission” to give your dog popcorn.

We get ready to watch a movie by lying on the couch with a large bowl of popcorn. Who could be a better companion for a movie evening or night than your dog? It will curl up next to you, it will not interrupt, it will not tell you the ending, and it will not say anything if you get scared. But do not, for anything in the world, share your food with it during this activity. In this article, we will tell you why.

Movies with your dog: the best plan

Some figure

On cold, rainy or vacation days, we can enjoy our free time with the one who is always by our side: our dog. In the event that we want to see a movie on a Saturday night, we have nothing more to do than to sit ourselves on the sofa and wait for him to come and join us.

Without a doubt, it is the best option for winter and even for when we do not have money to party. You can take advantage of its body heat to keep your feet warm, hug it if the killer’s scene frightens you and even to cry uncontrollably at the end of a romance movie.

When we think of a movie, we automatically imagine a huge bag of popcorn, crispy, hot and rich. And that’s when we have a question: can we share it with our dog? If dogs are good at anything, it is using “puppy dog eyes” so that we cannot resist giving them what we are eating.

Unless you can keep your eyes on the screen and not once look at your pet, it will be very difficult for you to be the “bad guy” and not offer him a least a couple of pieces of popcorn. Is it safe for your dog to eat them? Soon you will know.

Considerations about popcorn

As a first step, we must bear in mind that we cannot give our dog the same things that humans eat. This always happens, even if there are foods that are suitable for pets. In the case of popcorn, it is not a very nutritious food (neither for us nor for them). However, it can serve as an element in training. That is, every time he does something right or learns a new “trick”, we give him a reward.

It is important to keep in mind that popcorn with butter, salt or added sugar can be harmful to your dog’s stomach health. In case you want to give one or two pieces as a reward for their good behavior, they should be natural and homemade. Excessive intake can lead to intoxication, vomiting or diarrhea.

Another issue to consider is that they can pose a risk of suffocation, especially in small dogs. The large pieces can get lodged in the throat, because it is probable that the animal will not chew it. In addition, kernels that have not popped can get stuck in its teeth or in its airways.

What if I just give my dog ​​a handful of popcorn?

We already know that extremes and excesses are not good. It is elementary to teach a dog not to beg for food when its owners are having lunch or dinner. But it is also essential that, as owners, we are smart about “fulfilling” the whims of our animal.

It is true that they are very convincing and can get a bite of food from even the most heartless. If we do not give them something off of our plate, we feel bad. We feel sorry. We say that “a little will not hurt,” etc.

In the case of popcorn, veterinarians indicate that everything depends upon the quantities and on the regularity. This means that if we give a handful from time to time and one by one, it is not bad for the dog.

To be suitable for our pet’s consumption, it should be natural: no butter, no sugar and no salt. Give him a piece of popcorn and wait a few minutes to give him another one. It’s not a matter of letting him eat the entire bag without supervision. It must not be left with the “desire” to enjoy the same food as its owner, either.

In general, this rich food that accompanies us while we watch movies is indisputably not a threat to our other companion (our dog). Because it contains carbohydrates, high quantities are not advisable even for us (especially if we do not want to gain weight).

Try to make the popcorn yourself. Make sure it does not contain any condiment or additive that can cause digestive problems for the dog. If you meet all these guidelines, you have “permission” to give your dog popcorn.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Rejas López, J. (2008). Dermatitis y reacciones adversas a los alimentos. REDVET. Revista Electrónica de Veterinaria, 9(5), 1-16.

Moreno, E. C., & Tavera, F. J. T. (1999). Hipersensibilidad alimentaria canina. Veterinaria México, 30(1), 67-77.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.