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8 Signs that Your Pet Loves You

3 minutes
Canine language and behavior can reveal that your pet loves you more than you think.
8 Signs that Your Pet Loves You
Last update: 15 November, 2018

It doesn’t really matter that your dog doesn’t know how to talk because they don’t need words to express their feelings. So, would you like to know if your pet loves you? If so, then continue reading this article to find out about some of the signs or symptoms of your dog showing you their affection.

Your pet loves you if they do the following:

Your pet probably loves you more than you can imagine, not just because you give provide them with food and shelter, but because you’re the most important thing they have. However, many owners have doubts about their dog’s affection. 

Every day, pets can show their feelings without the need of using words. Knowing canine language is fundamental. In order to do so, you will need to analyze some of their behaviors:

1. When they are happy to see you

If your dog wags their tail, nudges you, and even barks or jumps out of joy when you come home after being away all day long, that’s an unmistakable sign that he loves you.

2. They sleep next to you

It’s not just because they like your comfortable mattress, but because they want to be by your side as much as they can. Even if they’re not allowed to be on the bed, your dog will show their love to you when they sleep beside you.

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3. Unconditional companionship

When you go to the bathroom, your dog goes to the bathroom. Whenever you sit down on the couch, they will lay down at your feet. If you ever get sick in bed, they will stay nearby your side. Dogs will always comfort their owners.

Everywhere you go, they will follow you ]like a shadow. It might be a bit overwhelming to have them always so close, but it’s one of their ways of showing you how much they love you.

4. They’re attentive of what you’re doing

In addition to following you to and fro, your pet loves you when they stare at you attentively. Keep in mind that, for a dog, their owner is their guide, example, and leader of the pack. Therefore, they have to focus on what you are doing and learn from you.

5. Wagging their tails

Thanks to their tail, dogs can show their happiness and how comfortable they are. So, when once they see their owner, they start to wag their tails out of excitement. They just don’t do it when you arrive home from work, but all the time.  They even wag their tail when you finish showering and come out of the bathroom, or when you were in your room with the door closed and go to the kitchen.

6. Licking and hugging

Instead of kissing, dogs lick as a sign of affection and also of protection. Mothers lick their puppies to clean them, but also to help them recognize her when they haven’t opened their eyes.

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Therefore, your dog will lick you enthusiastically every time they get the change to tell you how much they love you and thank you for everything you do for them. Also, if you bend your knees, they won’t have a problem standing on their hind legs and hugging you with their front ones.

7. They steal clothing

You might think it’s a bad behavior or a prank, but it actually means your pet loves you! If they steal your socks, underwear, blouse, or skirt, and take it to their bed, then it becomes a treasure to them, because it smells like you, and makes them feel safe and confident.

8. Games and more games

No matter how old you are or the time of day, every time your dog sees you coming, they’ll bring you their favorite toy, a ball, or a branch they found in the park. Everything indicates that they want to play. That’s the biggest sign that your pet really loves you– a lot.

If your dog does all this, there’s no doubt. You’re more important to him than you think. With all of these signs, that is their way of showing you their affection and unconditional love.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

Framis. (1959). Los perros, amigos. La Vanguardia Española.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.