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9 Reasons Why Dogs Vomit

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9 Reasons Why Dogs Vomit
Last update: 16 April, 2018

Dogs can vomit for many reasons. It’s usually not a serious issue. Although, when it becomes repetitive, it may be a sign of something somewhat severe and it’s necessary to see a vet. We are going to tell you some reasons why dogs vomit.  

Vomiting in dogs: when to worry

You should know there are many reasons why dogs vomit and there are easy solutions. For example, it could be from eating a lot of food and/or by doing it too quickly. Also it can be from exercising immediately after eating. However, when vomiting becomes repetitive it could be from problems which require professional attention.

Additionally, keep in mind that vomiting in older animals, puppies, and dogs with health problems tend to be more dangerous. 

Here are some signs that may indicate why your dog is vomiting. A veterinarian appointment may be necessary when having:

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  • Continuous vomiting, even after several hours without eating anything.
  • Vomiting blood, if it looks bright red or similar to coffee beans (partially digested blood).
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Abdominal strain. 

Dogs can vomit for several reasons and at different severity levels. We will explain some of the reasons dog vomit.

Get to know some of the reasons why dogs vomit

Take note of the nine reasons that usually cause vomiting in dogs. Seek a professional when having the slightest doubt of your animal not feeling well.


If the dog has eaten a bone or has swallowed part of a toy or any other object, it is possible something may have gotten stuck in its stomach or intestine. As a reflex, your dog will try throwing it up to get rid of it. Sometimes your canine does cough it up. Anyways, immediately see a vet if you suspect this is happening.


When the dogs  are likely to vomit when infected by parvovirus, distemper, or coronavirus, including other symptoms like diarrhea or lack of appetite. Puppies tend to be affected the most in these cases.

Poisoning and intoxication

When your animal has eaten a toxic or poisonous substance, its body will be able to get rid of it through vomiting. If you believe your dog is suffering from a type of intoxication or poisoning, try to find out what the substance is and immediately see a veterinarian.

Intestinal parasites

Ancylostoma and Giardia are the two most common intestinal parasites cause canine vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. 

Stomach ulcer

It is very possible your dog has a stomach ulcer when its vomit is bloody or looks black and murky.

Diet alterations

Any modification in your pet´s diet can cause it to vomit: changes in the brand or variety of dog food, additional servings of food or even ingesting garbage.

Intestinal inflammation

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Your dog might be suffering from a chronic intestinal inflammation when its vomit is whitish and contains stomach fluids. 


When a dog throws up a yellowish liquid – –  usually after eating – – it may be from overproducing bile or stomach acids. In this occurs, feed your dog more frequently, but with smaller portions.


Older dogs are more likely to develop tumors. If such tumors affect the liver, kidneys, or digestive system, it´s most likely these animals vomit along with other signs. If your dog is older, do periodic medical checks-ups to ensure the best possible quality of life.

Dogs can vomit for many reasons. It’s usually not a serious issue. Although, when it becomes repetitive, it may be a sign of something somewhat severe and it’s necessary to see a vet. We are going to tell you some reasons why dogs vomit.  

Vomiting in dogs: when to worry

You should know there are many reasons why dogs vomit and there are easy solutions. For example, it could be from eating a lot of food and/or by doing it too quickly. Also it can be from exercising immediately after eating. However, when vomiting becomes repetitive it could be from problems which require professional attention.

Additionally, keep in mind that vomiting in older animals, puppies, and dogs with health problems tend to be more dangerous. 

Here are some signs that may indicate why your dog is vomiting. A veterinarian appointment may be necessary when having:

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  • Continuous vomiting, even after several hours without eating anything.
  • Vomiting blood, if it looks bright red or similar to coffee beans (partially digested blood).
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy
  • Abdominal strain. 

Dogs can vomit for several reasons and at different severity levels. We will explain some of the reasons dog vomit.

Get to know some of the reasons why dogs vomit

Take note of the nine reasons that usually cause vomiting in dogs. Seek a professional when having the slightest doubt of your animal not feeling well.


If the dog has eaten a bone or has swallowed part of a toy or any other object, it is possible something may have gotten stuck in its stomach or intestine. As a reflex, your dog will try throwing it up to get rid of it. Sometimes your canine does cough it up. Anyways, immediately see a vet if you suspect this is happening.


When the dogs  are likely to vomit when infected by parvovirus, distemper, or coronavirus, including other symptoms like diarrhea or lack of appetite. Puppies tend to be affected the most in these cases.

Poisoning and intoxication

When your animal has eaten a toxic or poisonous substance, its body will be able to get rid of it through vomiting. If you believe your dog is suffering from a type of intoxication or poisoning, try to find out what the substance is and immediately see a veterinarian.

Intestinal parasites

Ancylostoma and Giardia are the two most common intestinal parasites cause canine vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss. 

Stomach ulcer

It is very possible your dog has a stomach ulcer when its vomit is bloody or looks black and murky.

Diet alterations

Any modification in your pet´s diet can cause it to vomit: changes in the brand or variety of dog food, additional servings of food or even ingesting garbage.

Intestinal inflammation

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Your dog might be suffering from a chronic intestinal inflammation when its vomit is whitish and contains stomach fluids. 


When a dog throws up a yellowish liquid – –  usually after eating – – it may be from overproducing bile or stomach acids. In this occurs, feed your dog more frequently, but with smaller portions.


Older dogs are more likely to develop tumors. If such tumors affect the liver, kidneys, or digestive system, it´s most likely these animals vomit along with other signs. If your dog is older, do periodic medical checks-ups to ensure the best possible quality of life.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.