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9 Fun Activities For Your Dog

3 minutes
The best thing about these activities is that they stimulate your dog, both physically and mentally. At the same time, they don't burn a hole in your pocket and they'll strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
9 Fun Activities For Your Dog
Francisco María García

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García

Last update: 21 December, 2022

Besides from sitting on the sofa and throwing a ball for your dog, there are a bunch of other healthy activities that get your dog to use up his energy. These nine fun activities are perfect for strengthening the relationship and creating an unshakable bond between you and your dog.

Fun Activities for Your Dog That You Have To Try

Dogs are probably the most fun animal of all. However, it’s important to make use of that energy with a variety of activities. This way, they’ll stay active, healthy, and happy throughout their lives. Furthermore, the fun activities in this article are great for creating a stronger and more solid relationship between you and your canine friend.

Obstacle Courses

Obstacle courses are really fun. You can make a circuit with everyday objects. You can make one anywhere, such as a park, sports field, or even your garden at home. You won’t even need to spend a penny and your dog will love it.


Hiking is a highly recommended activity, not just for your dog but for you too! It’s a great activity for getting some exercises while enjoying nature and the fresh air.

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Without a doubt, going on hikes with your dog makes it much more fun than doing alone. The both of you can spend some good quality time exploring new trails together.


Something as simple as playing with your dog can be one of his favourite things to do. However, don’t confuse this with throwing something for them from the sofa.

It means going out to the park or garden, and doing things like running with him throwing a ball. You’ll both enjoy it and you’ll be closer than ever.

Hide and Seek

This isn’t just a fun game for kids. Dogs really love it too, and not only that, it challenges their abilities and stimulates their senses to the max. You should play hide and seek in a closed and controlled area. The idea is to hide from your dog and give him a treat once he finds you.

Fun Activities to Share With Your Dog

With the following activities, you’ll stimulate your dog’s senses and keep him active, energetic, and happy for many years to come. They’re perfect for spending quality time with your dog and getting a good dose of daily exercise.


Few things are quite as fun as going to the beach or park with your dog and playing frisbeeStart with a smaller object until your dog can catch a frisbee in the air. This game will be really stimulating for them and keep him strong and agile.

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Dog Parks

There are dog parks in nearly every city. In these places, dogs can run and play freely without any risk. It’s also a good place for activities because your dog can socialize with other dogs.  So go ahead and take your dog to the park, you’ll watching him have fun.

The Hose

During the summer you can play with your dog by soaking them with a hose. Obviously, you should only do this if he isn’t afraid of water.

The idea is to bring the puppy out of him while he runs around the garden trying to catch the water with his mouth. Make sure the pressure isn’t too high otherwise you could hurt him.

The Beach or a Lake

Many dogs love to run along the beach. So why not take your dog to a beach or a lake near your home. He’ll love being out in the fresh air, even better if his owner plays and runs around with him.

Smelling Games

Smelling games aren’t just fun, but they also stimulate a dog’s most important sense. The game involves hiding a treat for your dog in a box, corner, shelf, etc. And obviously, let him eat it once he finds it.

There are many fun activities for your dog and the simplest ones can be really fun for both of you. Plus, they can stimulate his senses and get him to use up his energy. Do these activities as often as you can to keep your dog physically and mentally healthy.


Besides from sitting on the sofa and throwing a ball for your dog, there are a bunch of other healthy activities that get your dog to use up his energy. These nine fun activities are perfect for strengthening the relationship and creating an unshakable bond between you and your dog.

Fun Activities for Your Dog That You Have To Try

Dogs are probably the most fun animal of all. However, it’s important to make use of that energy with a variety of activities. This way, they’ll stay active, healthy, and happy throughout their lives. Furthermore, the fun activities in this article are great for creating a stronger and more solid relationship between you and your canine friend.

Obstacle Courses

Obstacle courses are really fun. You can make a circuit with everyday objects. You can make one anywhere, such as a park, sports field, or even your garden at home. You won’t even need to spend a penny and your dog will love it.


Hiking is a highly recommended activity, not just for your dog but for you too! It’s a great activity for getting some exercises while enjoying nature and the fresh air.

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Without a doubt, going on hikes with your dog makes it much more fun than doing alone. The both of you can spend some good quality time exploring new trails together.


Something as simple as playing with your dog can be one of his favourite things to do. However, don’t confuse this with throwing something for them from the sofa.

It means going out to the park or garden, and doing things like running with him throwing a ball. You’ll both enjoy it and you’ll be closer than ever.

Hide and Seek

This isn’t just a fun game for kids. Dogs really love it too, and not only that, it challenges their abilities and stimulates their senses to the max. You should play hide and seek in a closed and controlled area. The idea is to hide from your dog and give him a treat once he finds you.

Fun Activities to Share With Your Dog

With the following activities, you’ll stimulate your dog’s senses and keep him active, energetic, and happy for many years to come. They’re perfect for spending quality time with your dog and getting a good dose of daily exercise.


Few things are quite as fun as going to the beach or park with your dog and playing frisbeeStart with a smaller object until your dog can catch a frisbee in the air. This game will be really stimulating for them and keep him strong and agile.

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Dog Parks

There are dog parks in nearly every city. In these places, dogs can run and play freely without any risk. It’s also a good place for activities because your dog can socialize with other dogs.  So go ahead and take your dog to the park, you’ll watching him have fun.

The Hose

During the summer you can play with your dog by soaking them with a hose. Obviously, you should only do this if he isn’t afraid of water.

The idea is to bring the puppy out of him while he runs around the garden trying to catch the water with his mouth. Make sure the pressure isn’t too high otherwise you could hurt him.

The Beach or a Lake

Many dogs love to run along the beach. So why not take your dog to a beach or a lake near your home. He’ll love being out in the fresh air, even better if his owner plays and runs around with him.

Smelling Games

Smelling games aren’t just fun, but they also stimulate a dog’s most important sense. The game involves hiding a treat for your dog in a box, corner, shelf, etc. And obviously, let him eat it once he finds it.

There are many fun activities for your dog and the simplest ones can be really fun for both of you. Plus, they can stimulate his senses and get him to use up his energy. Do these activities as often as you can to keep your dog physically and mentally healthy.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.