Advice for Sleeping Next to Your Cat

Sleeping next to your cat can be beneficial for both of you or detrimental for your routines and create a dependency. Before saying anything for sure, think about the best thing for both of you in the long run.
Will your sleep quality be affected when you sleep next to your cat?
Some people sleep much lighter than others. The slightest noise or movement can interrupt their sleep in the middle of the night, especially when it comes to cats because they can be very unsettled animals. In the early hours of the morning, they can start to play with the sheets or any shadow that may seem interesting to them, or even with your hair.
Also, a cat’s circadian rhythms are different than humans. Cats are natural predators and they tend to be active at night, unlike us. Don’t forget that cats can also snore. So, do an improvised study on your pet’s sleep pattern before they interrupt yours.

Sleeping next to your cat: A happy cat is a healthy cat
Maybe your cat likes to sleep with you in your bed and spending time with you helps to calm them down when they’re scared or upset. However, when it comes to teaching your cat, the most important thing is to set boundaries.
Even though every cat is different, this lets them know who’s in charge. Many times, an anxious animal or one that has gone through bad experiences needs special attention.
In these cases, you might need to make compromises to take care of your pet’s wellbeing. Anxious cats tend to experience weight and hair loss and show self-destructive behaviors that can strongly affect their health.
If you see a clear improvement in your pet after resting a few nights at your side, and your sleep isn’t interrupted either, this could be the best solution for both of you.
Sleeping next to your cat: Be careful with your cat’s fur
Even if you don’t have allergies or asthma, you might have a reaction to the sticks, bits of dirt, or microbes your cat’s fur carries. Due to cats using the litter box, they can sometimes carry litter all around the house.

Up to 30% of the US population is allergic to cats and dogs according to a report from the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. If this is your case and you still want to sleep with your pet, there are air filtering machines that can help you.
Ways to make your cat sleep at night
As mentioned before, cats are natural predators who are active at night. If you want to sleep next to your cat, it’s important that you try to change both of your routines so that both of you are on the same page when it comes to your sleeping pattern. To do this, you can:
- Keep your cat active during the day. The best thing is to focus on playing games and petting them during the morning and afternoon to tire them out. Though, a lot of people work away from home. So, this isn’t always easy.
- Walk your cat. Use a special leash for cats and take them on a walk outside.
- Give them toys that stimulate their minds. For example, you can use baby toys.
- Leave toys scattered all over your house so your cat will play instead of sleep.
- Play with them before going to bed.
What to do if your cat bothers you while you sleep
The easiest answer is not to sleep next to them. If this isn’t an option, and you still think that the best thing for the both of you is to share your bed, you can try using a corner of your bedroom where you can put them in timeout.
Put them there to stay quiet each time they bite your finger, meow too much, or does something to get your attention. This is especially useful if they do this at five in the morning.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.