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Child Writes a Letter to Deceased Dog and Receives Response

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Uplifting stories like this one serve as a reminder of the impact that family dogs can have on our lives
Child Writes a Letter to Deceased Dog and Receives Response
Last update: 01 February, 2018

Telling a child that his or her pet has died can be one of the hardest things. And just like our animal is like any other member of the family for us, for a small child it is their friend, playmate, and sibling. Little ones don’t understand the meaning of death. Sure, some say it’s not right to make up stories to help them. Yet, others don’t agree with this advice because the dog was much more than a pet.

Luke’s mom belongs to this second group. Luke is a 3-year-old little boy that was consumed with sadness when his Beagle, Moe, passed away. His mother didn’t know how to soothe him. So, she suggested writing a letter to the puppy in heaven. And he received a response! Do you want to know what Moe said to Luke?

Luke’s letter to his dead dog, Moe

Luke’s mom, immersed in the role, gave her son the address of his dead dog“Moe Westwood, Dog heaven, 1st cloud.”

The mom’s plan was to take the letter out of the mailbox before the mail carrier arrived, but she forgot.

The letter from Luke, which his mom wrote just as he dictated, said:

“Moe, you left without saying good-bye, but Mom told me that you had to go to heaven. I guess that will be nice and you will be happy there, but I miss you a lot.

Mom told me that you can’t come back, but I want you to know that I’ve really liked living with you and I’m always going to miss playing with you like we did before. And even though you’re not here, you’ll always be my friend.

I love you,


The mom couldn’t hold back tears while she wrote the barely understandable words of her 3-year-old son. She put the letter in an envelope, sealed it and put it in the mailbox so that, in the eyes of Luke, the mail carrier would take it.

Frustrated, the mom regretted forgetting to grab the letter, but she never thought that he would receive a response.

The response from Luke’s dead dog

Within days, Luke received a response from “Moe Westbrook, Dog heaven, 1st cloud.” Luke’s mom was extremely surprised and perplexed. This was not possible! Curious and at the same time afraid, she opened the letter that said this:

“I am in dog heaven, I play all day and I am happy.

Thanks for being my friend. I love you, Luke.


When the mom read the letter from Moe to Luke, he stopped looking troubled – after all he knew that his friend was fine and that he still loved him.

But as for Luke’s mom, there was still one thing left to do – find out who wrote the letter.

Who wrote the letter from the dead dog?

Some figure

The answer was undoubtedly in the post office of the town where Luke and his mom lived. And that’s where Luke’s mother was headed. There were not many mail carriers that covered the area, so once she had the list, she only had to ask one by one if he or she was the one who had answered the letter from little Luke.

Zina Owens was the name of the spy in this beautiful story.  Zina was working as a mail carrier and when she saw Luke’s letter, she couldn’t help getting emotional and believed that she must do something to assuage the little guy. So she wrote the response that cheered Luke up.

The mom thanked her for her kind and selfless gesture and Zina’s response was this:

“The world is full of bad news that doesn’t seem to matter to others just as long as it doesn’t affect them. A little bit of altruism and humanity could make the world a better place with happier people. I only wanted to make your son a little happier and at the same time be a little happier myself. Thank you.”

Source for the first image: www.lasexta.com

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.