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Making Your Home Kitty Friendly

4 minutes
Is there a cat moving into your home soon? Make sure you read this article to find out what you need to do to turn your place into a kitty friendly home.
Making Your Home Kitty Friendly
Francisco María García

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García

Last update: 27 December, 2022

In order for your cat to be happy in your home, you have to think about how to arrange it. Here’s how to make your home kitty friendly.

The curious feline and space for your cat

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Cats, especially kittens, are curious by nature and always like to investigate whatever surrounds them. They’re different from people because they’re unable to discern what’s dangerous and what isn’t. 

If we aren’t sure how to prepare our home for our cats, we can make a checklist. This way your pet will be safe and your home will be kitty friendly.

At first glance, it may seem that having a cat is easier than having a dog. They’re very independent, clean and great for small places. They are also very sweet and one of the best companions in the home. But, they are very curious and can easily put themselves in danger.

Some basic precautions for a kitty friendly home

It’s important to be very careful with some items in the home that have sharp edges. This is especially true with table legs.

Electrical cords are also very dangerous, so you need to be careful. They should be attached to the wall or concealed in a conduit. This will prevent a cat from biting the cord or suffering from an electric shock.

Curtains attract our kitty friends. They have a very strong urge to climb them and possibly shred them to pieces as well.

A litter box fills a very important role in your home as a container for your feline’s waste. However, at the same time, it can be an incredible source of filth.

The best method for litter box use is to put it in a basket. This way it will avoid the contents being spread around by the kicking and digging of a rambunctious kitty.

Conflicts between cats and dogs are typically over food or for the cat’s space. You can avoid conflicts by placing the cat’s food in a high place where a dog can’t get to it.

A kitty friendly space in your home

When giving your kitty a bath, the best place for this is in the bathroom sink. This way you can contain her and she won’t be able to scratch you.

In general, the cat is a wild animal that needs to hunt. So she’ll simulate hunting in a game. But she’ll need to mark her area and sharpen her claws as she does using a tree in the wild.

The activity of our furry friend is more nocturnal than diurnal. Her association with other felines tends to be intolerant and territorial. When it comes to humans, contact may be nonexistent, or just mutual acceptance.

For a cat to adapt to our home, we have to be very familiar with her feline needs. For example, we can’t expect a cat living in our home to be a silent animal. Nor can we expect her to fit in and not need anything.

The cat’s arrival

When a cat comes into your home for the first time, no matter the age, we should help her adapt by placing her in just one room with the door closed. This will make it much easier for her to adapt. It will also be a lot less stressful than allowing her to roam the house freely the first moment she arrives.

If our kitty seems lonely, she’ll probably hide in the first place she finds and may stay there for several days.

The cat’s own territory

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One of the reasons that cats should have their own territory is so that they can develop pheromones, which give security to them along with a feeling of control.

After a few days, a cat will feel comfortable in her new home because she feels safe. If we see that she’s relaxed and curious, we can open the door of the room she’s been in and allow her to explore the rest of the house.

As noted, a safe place is very important to a cat. She’ll know that she has a secure retreat whenever she’s frightened.

If there’s not a safe place for your cat and she gets frightened, she’ll run in circles until she can find a place to hide that is inaccessible to us.

In order for your cat to be happy in your home, you have to think about how to arrange it. Here’s how to make your home kitty friendly.

The curious feline and space for your cat

Some figure

Cats, especially kittens, are curious by nature and always like to investigate whatever surrounds them. They’re different from people because they’re unable to discern what’s dangerous and what isn’t. 

If we aren’t sure how to prepare our home for our cats, we can make a checklist. This way your pet will be safe and your home will be kitty friendly.

At first glance, it may seem that having a cat is easier than having a dog. They’re very independent, clean and great for small places. They are also very sweet and one of the best companions in the home. But, they are very curious and can easily put themselves in danger.

Some basic precautions for a kitty friendly home

It’s important to be very careful with some items in the home that have sharp edges. This is especially true with table legs.

Electrical cords are also very dangerous, so you need to be careful. They should be attached to the wall or concealed in a conduit. This will prevent a cat from biting the cord or suffering from an electric shock.

Curtains attract our kitty friends. They have a very strong urge to climb them and possibly shred them to pieces as well.

A litter box fills a very important role in your home as a container for your feline’s waste. However, at the same time, it can be an incredible source of filth.

The best method for litter box use is to put it in a basket. This way it will avoid the contents being spread around by the kicking and digging of a rambunctious kitty.

Conflicts between cats and dogs are typically over food or for the cat’s space. You can avoid conflicts by placing the cat’s food in a high place where a dog can’t get to it.

A kitty friendly space in your home

When giving your kitty a bath, the best place for this is in the bathroom sink. This way you can contain her and she won’t be able to scratch you.

In general, the cat is a wild animal that needs to hunt. So she’ll simulate hunting in a game. But she’ll need to mark her area and sharpen her claws as she does using a tree in the wild.

The activity of our furry friend is more nocturnal than diurnal. Her association with other felines tends to be intolerant and territorial. When it comes to humans, contact may be nonexistent, or just mutual acceptance.

For a cat to adapt to our home, we have to be very familiar with her feline needs. For example, we can’t expect a cat living in our home to be a silent animal. Nor can we expect her to fit in and not need anything.

The cat’s arrival

When a cat comes into your home for the first time, no matter the age, we should help her adapt by placing her in just one room with the door closed. This will make it much easier for her to adapt. It will also be a lot less stressful than allowing her to roam the house freely the first moment she arrives.

If our kitty seems lonely, she’ll probably hide in the first place she finds and may stay there for several days.

The cat’s own territory

Some figure

One of the reasons that cats should have their own territory is so that they can develop pheromones, which give security to them along with a feeling of control.

After a few days, a cat will feel comfortable in her new home because she feels safe. If we see that she’s relaxed and curious, we can open the door of the room she’s been in and allow her to explore the rest of the house.

As noted, a safe place is very important to a cat. She’ll know that she has a secure retreat whenever she’s frightened.

If there’s not a safe place for your cat and she gets frightened, she’ll run in circles until she can find a place to hide that is inaccessible to us.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.