5 Tips for Leaving Your Dog at a Kennel

Sometimes, for reasons beyond our wishes, you find yourself faced with leaving your dog at a kennel. Here are some tips to guide you in the process.
5 Tips for Leaving Your Dog at a Kennel
Francisco María García

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García.

Last update: 21 December, 2022

Sometimes, for reasons beyond our wishes, you find yourself faced with leaving your dog at a kennel. This may have to do with work, travel, or some other special circumstance. In the summer, this is even more common. In general, hotels don’t allow for pets. What’s more, traveling with animals can often require a great deal of paperwork and other preparations that you might not have time for.

Tips for leaving your dog at a kennel

Below, we’ll offer a series of helpful tips for leaving your dog at a kennel:

Some dogs on vacation.
Source: Facebook de Happy Animals Club

Make a preliminary visit

It’s extremely important that you see the kennel where you’ll be leaving your dog with your own eyes beforehand. Some kennels have very small cages and very little outdoor space.

The best thing you can do is spend a little time and energy paying a visit to the kennel. That way, you can make sure everything is up to par. Also, you’ll have the opportunity to observe the attitudes of the staff and see if the animals there seem happy and comfortable.

Of course, the staff may be on their best behavior when visitors are on grounds. That’s why it’s especially important to observe the behavior of the animals to see how they really feel.

Go over documentation

Dog kennels must have certain certifications to operate legally. In order to obtain the required documentation, kennels must pass health inspections and meet a series of requirements.

If a kennel has all of these documents in order, this is a sign that the establishment is trustworthy. If not, you’re better off going somewhere else.

Another important indicator is that the best kennels require certain documents from dog owners. Owners must verify the health and quality of life of their pets. Kennels usually ask for medical history, vaccine records, and other paperwork before lodging dogs.

If a kennel requests this paperwork from you, then you can rest assured that every other owner had to present the same documents. In other words, this means that the other animals that your dog will be in contact with are in good health.

Create an adequate environment

Of course, your dog doesn’t know that you’ll be taking him to a kennel or how long the stay will be. Nor does your dog understand that you’re going away. However, your dog can sense your emotions.

Avoid crying in front of your dog–remember, it’s only for a few days. Soon you’ll be back home with your four-footed friend. Also, be sure not to scold your dog or raise your voice. This will only make your dog anxious.

The more natural you act, the better your dog will feel, making adaptation much easier. Don’t draw out your goodbye and give your dogs a big hug before leaving. Rather, the best thing you can do for your pal is to say goodbye and walk away as naturally as possible. That way, you won’t leave your pet with the feeling that you’re leaving for a long time or that something bad is happening.

Evaluate the pros y cons

When it comes to leaving your dog at a kennel, you want to rest assured the establishment is a good one. Talk with people you know that also have dogs and ask for their recommendations. That way, you’ll feel more at ease when the time comes to leave your dog. Firsthand experiences are the best way to evaluate a kennel’s services.

Some dogs at a kennel.

We also recommend comparing different options in order to decide which is best. Make sure they veterinary services, cleaning services, and grooming. There are even kennels that offer you the possibility of checking in on your dog via webcam. That way, even though you’re far away, you can see how your dog is doing.

Let them know your dog

Tell the kennel everything they need to know about your dog. If possible, give them specifications in writing. That way, you’ll be sure they’ll put the necessary measures into place when caring for your dog. What’s more, be sure to provide your dog’s medical history. That way, the kennel’s veterinarian will know how to act in the case of any problem while you’re gone.

What to remember when leaving your dog at a kennel

  • Remember that dogs don’t perceive time the same way you do. In other words, your dog doesn’t know how many days you’ve been away.
  • Dogs live in the present. If you choose a good kennel, your dog won’t spend his days missing you. Rather, he’ll enjoy his time playing with other dogs.
  • Dogs don’t hold grudges. Without a doubt, the moment your dog sees you, he’ll forget all about the time he spent at the kennel.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.