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Losing a Pet: Ever Since You Left

4 minutes
Everyday routines change when you lose a beloved pet. The thought process that follows can be long and lonely
Losing a Pet: Ever Since You Left
Last update: 20 February, 2018

Losing a pet can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. Maybe those people that don’t have a pet are not able to understand, but an animal becomes part of a family from the very first moment that he walks through the door. Those people that lose one can’t stop thinking, “Everything has changed so much ever since you left…

It’s a loss like any other, and those that go through it will deal with it or try to get over it in different ways. Today we want to share a letter with you from someone that lost a pet about the feelings that were awakened in her after her pet’s death. Maybe you can relate…

Ever since you left, I can’t stop thinking…

Some figure

Ever since you left, my devoted friend, my loyal companion, my silent confidant, the house is full of a silence so terrifying that it deafens me.

Everyday when I come home, I open the door slowly to be careful that I don’t bump your face, and then I remember that you aren’t there Every morning when I wake up, I whistle for you, and look for you, and wait for you to greet me good morning. Then I fully wake up and remember that you aren’t there.

The ottoman that you liked so much is empty, and now it seems so ugly and sad to me, so out of place with the decor. If there was anything that made it beautiful, that made it special, it was you, having you sit on top of it.

I look at your bed and your dishes, which I still haven’t had the strength to take away yet, and I put food and water in them. Even though I know it’s not possible, I have a slight ray of hope that you’ll still come back. I hope that if you could, you would choose me as your owner again because I would choose you one and a thousand times.

Ever since you left, I don’t want to do anything other than sit down on the couch, looking at the emptiness while I let the memories that we made together flow. Our memories. They are the only thing that I have left of you, but nothing and nobody will ever be able to take them away from me.

A trip down memory lane…

I was never a huge fan of photos, but I am so happy to have taken some with you! I don’t want to forget you. When I think of you, I want your face to always come to my mind, and I know that photos will help me. Although, how could I forget you if you were such an important part of my life? I suppose that ever since you left, I’m only full of fear…

Ever since you left, I’ve been looking at your shampoo, your towel, your cologne… The cologne that always made you sneeze and run like crazy. I thought you were possessed the first time that I saw you. We had so much fun together! You made me laugh so much! Ever since you left, I rarely smile. I suppose that it will be a question of time, but you were one of the reasons for my laughter, one of the reasons for my happiness, one of the happinesses of my life.

Together forever in my heart

Ever since you left, every time that I go on a walk near our park, I can’t help but remember you. When I go down to throw away the trash, you always wanted to come with me, and now even that makes me think of you. Passing by the veterinarian’s office makes me have bad memories because I had to leave you there. But I also remember the first time that we went together.

Some figure

When they vaccinated you, you were so afraid and trembling. I wanted to console you, and to be your mother and father at the same time. Your relief, your comfort, and your help. You were so beautiful every time that you got your hair cut and groomed! I always told you that you looked like a cotton ball and I wanted to snuggle you, but you didn’t like that too much.

Ever since you left, I can’t and I don’t want to stop remembering you. I don’t want to forget you. All I do is think of our time together to try and cover the bitter memory of our last goodbye. Ever since you left, everything is different. I know that I will smile again because the friendship we had was worth the pain and the happiness. I know that my smile will be my best gift to you wherever you are.

Losing a pet can be one of the most difficult times in a person’s life. Maybe those people that don’t have a pet are not able to understand, but an animal becomes part of a family from the very first moment that he walks through the door. Those people that lose one can’t stop thinking, “Everything has changed so much ever since you left…

It’s a loss like any other, and those that go through it will deal with it or try to get over it in different ways. Today we want to share a letter with you from someone that lost a pet about the feelings that were awakened in her after her pet’s death. Maybe you can relate…

Ever since you left, I can’t stop thinking…

Some figure

Ever since you left, my devoted friend, my loyal companion, my silent confidant, the house is full of a silence so terrifying that it deafens me.

Everyday when I come home, I open the door slowly to be careful that I don’t bump your face, and then I remember that you aren’t there Every morning when I wake up, I whistle for you, and look for you, and wait for you to greet me good morning. Then I fully wake up and remember that you aren’t there.

The ottoman that you liked so much is empty, and now it seems so ugly and sad to me, so out of place with the decor. If there was anything that made it beautiful, that made it special, it was you, having you sit on top of it.

I look at your bed and your dishes, which I still haven’t had the strength to take away yet, and I put food and water in them. Even though I know it’s not possible, I have a slight ray of hope that you’ll still come back. I hope that if you could, you would choose me as your owner again because I would choose you one and a thousand times.

Ever since you left, I don’t want to do anything other than sit down on the couch, looking at the emptiness while I let the memories that we made together flow. Our memories. They are the only thing that I have left of you, but nothing and nobody will ever be able to take them away from me.

A trip down memory lane…

I was never a huge fan of photos, but I am so happy to have taken some with you! I don’t want to forget you. When I think of you, I want your face to always come to my mind, and I know that photos will help me. Although, how could I forget you if you were such an important part of my life? I suppose that ever since you left, I’m only full of fear…

Ever since you left, I’ve been looking at your shampoo, your towel, your cologne… The cologne that always made you sneeze and run like crazy. I thought you were possessed the first time that I saw you. We had so much fun together! You made me laugh so much! Ever since you left, I rarely smile. I suppose that it will be a question of time, but you were one of the reasons for my laughter, one of the reasons for my happiness, one of the happinesses of my life.

Together forever in my heart

Ever since you left, every time that I go on a walk near our park, I can’t help but remember you. When I go down to throw away the trash, you always wanted to come with me, and now even that makes me think of you. Passing by the veterinarian’s office makes me have bad memories because I had to leave you there. But I also remember the first time that we went together.

Some figure

When they vaccinated you, you were so afraid and trembling. I wanted to console you, and to be your mother and father at the same time. Your relief, your comfort, and your help. You were so beautiful every time that you got your hair cut and groomed! I always told you that you looked like a cotton ball and I wanted to snuggle you, but you didn’t like that too much.

Ever since you left, I can’t and I don’t want to stop remembering you. I don’t want to forget you. All I do is think of our time together to try and cover the bitter memory of our last goodbye. Ever since you left, everything is different. I know that I will smile again because the friendship we had was worth the pain and the happiness. I know that my smile will be my best gift to you wherever you are.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.