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Requirements for Adopting an Animal

4 minutes
Each species lives in its own world, with its special needs. So, the first thing you have to do before adopting an animal is assess the environment that they will be living in
Requirements for Adopting an Animal
Last update: 07 January, 2019

Adopting an animal plays an important role in reducing abandonment rates and to help dogs and cats that are in need. However, abandonment makes no involves all species, ages or breeds. 

Requirements for adopting an animal: depends on each animal

Your personal preferences may cause you to lean toward one type of animal more than another. However, despite this, all animals are looking for a good company and make great friends. Before deciding to adopt an animal, don’t close yourself off to a certain species.

Your lifestyle may keep you from being able to adopt the kind of animal that you’d like. So, make sure you ask for advice from someone at the animal shelter before you make any decisions. It’s possible, an animal from a different species may fit perfectly in your home and you’ll become great friends.

Your schedule is important

The hours you spend at work and outside your home are very important when it comes to choosing an animal. A dog needs a lot more attention than a cat which needs more attention than small rodents, like hamsters. There are animals that can be left at home during long working hours and others that need more attention.

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Before you adopt an animal, you have to think about your schedule: including your weekends and vacations. If you usually go on hikes on your off days, or you like to travel, you should opt for an animal that can easily adapt to this fast pace, like a dog.

However, if you like tranquility and don’t usually spend a lot of time away from home, a rabbit, cat or even a bird would make good company.

Different animals for different financial situations

One of the most important requirements for adopting an animal is being financially capable of taking care of them, especially if have any medical emergencies. That’s because, after signing the adoption papers, these expenses are completely up to you and the shelter that gave you the animal is no longer responsible for any financial obligations.

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Even if you don’t make a fortune, there are animals that are less expensive than others. For example, rodents eat a small amount and don’t usually need veterinary attention. However, older animals, from dogs to farm animals, usually spend more time at the vet, and they also have special dietary needs.

So, if you can’t pay your pet’s expenses, you shouldn’t get one. However, there are other options. Shelters are covered by the owners, or you can look for pets that will cost less. 

Where you are going to live

Of course, the size and shape of your house is another thing that must be considered when thinking about adoption. Living in a small house doesn’t mean you can’t have a pet, just like having a lot of land doesn’t automatically mean you have to get a dog. 

Rodents, rabbits, birds and even some reptiles can live comfortably in a small house or apartment. They are small animals that don’t require a lot of space. Just their crate and some room to stretch their legs will be enough for them.

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It’s normal to have a dog when you have a house with a lot of land, but it’s not necessary. If you want to take advantage of all the space in your yard, a donkey may be a great option. They will help keep the grass cut and fertilize the ground without you even having to ask. Farming and transportation animals need a lot of acreage to have a good quality of life.

On the contrary, cats tend to escape and put themselves in danger at home. If you have balconies or a small garden, you should close them off in order to protect your kittens. These types of housing usually aren’t recommended when adopting an animal like a cat.

Adoption is forever

First, keep in mind that adopting an animal is a decision that will require you to live with the animal for the rest of its life, whatever may happen. Before signing the adoption papers, think about living with the animal on a medium and long-term basis, and look for an animal that fits into your plans.

With a stable family life, a dog that can live for 1o years is a great option. However, if you’re a student that plans on travel or living in other cities, a more independent animal with a shorter life, like a rodent, bird or cat may be a better choice.

Adopting an animal is one of the most ethical and beneficial ways to get a pet. Thousands of animals are abandoned annually and all of them need a family to take care of them, and this problem doesn’t differentiate between species or breeds. If you want to get a pet, find a nearby animal shelter and ask them which animal would work best for you.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.