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Six Canine Zodiac Signs

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Six Canine Zodiac Signs
Last update: 09 July, 2018

Did you know that there are canine zodiac signs? Well, there are! According to the date when your dog was born, he or she can have a different personality or different qualities over others. Today we will talk to you about the six canine zodiac signs. You never know what you might learn about your dog if you keep reading.


Canine Zodiac Signs

Canine zodiac signs go by the same dates as human horoscopes. Therefore, the signs are the same as they are for humans. Let us talk about the six zodiac signs and see what they each mean:



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They are independent of their peers, and have no intention of developing friendships with others. However, these dogs are the ideal companions to have during a new stage in our life such as a move, a break-up, a new relationship or a baby.

Additionally, they are always loyal and faithful to their owners and are willing and able to protect them with their life.

They also have a lot of energy and are impulsive, courageous and extremely active. These dogs are intelligent, dominant, and have a good memory.



Even though Taurus is the bravest of all human zodiac signs, when it comes to dogs, the opposite is true. Taurus dogs are calm, obedient protectors who are very emotional. They are also, of course, a little jealous—not only of their masters, but also of their things.

These dogs are ideal for children, not only because of their need to give and receive love, but also due to their patience. They are a little stubborn, however, and tend to perform their daily tasks at a slow and steady pace.



They are educated and independent, and have so much energy that it seems to have no end. Not only are these dogs pleasant, but they are empathetic towards their owner’s mood, and try to cheer them up at all costs.

They do not like tranquillity much. Instead, they enjoy urban life with large crowds, as they feel the constant need to be accompanied. Therefore, they are ideal for being with children, but not for staying home alone for very long.

Due to the high levels of sensitivity in these dogs, you must be patient and train them with affection and tenderness. Otherwise you can cause emotional damage. Yelling is not well received by this sign. Having other dogs around during their training sessions is useful because they like to be in the company of others.



Dogs under this zodiac sign are afraid of everything that is bigger than they are. They are acutely sensitive to noise, and are the protectors of their homes. These dogs tends to be jealous of other canines, and are imitators of their masters.

They love to eat and do not adapt very well to change. These dogs also love water, so if this is your pet’s horoscope sign, you will not have to chase him or her down for bath time.

Their paternal, or maternal instinct (in the case of females), is very developed, so they always have large families.

Be careful with the memories that you create for your dog because these dog’s memories are almost perfect. They are able to remember both the good and the bad.



This canine zodiac sign likes adventure and discovering new things. They are natural-born leaders and are very respectful to the environment.

They are patient and kind to children, which makes them perfect animals for families. When they are in danger, their actions are the opposite.



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Virgo dogs are empathetic and sensitive, and become one with the family. Even though their love is unconditional, they are not very emotional. However, their instinct to protect their families, characterizes this zodiac sign the most.

Hygiene is another aspect that defines them. You will not have to talk them into being brushed or bathed. Ever since these dogs were puppies, you will notice the ease with which they learn. This makes it very easy to train them.


So do you know what zodiac sign your dog is? If you do a little searching on the Internet, you will find quite a few tests that will tell you how compatible you are with each of the canine zodiac signs.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.