Getting Your Pet Used To A Pet Carrier

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
Do you want to take your pet on a family trip during these upcoming holidays? If so, the first thing you need to do is to get your pet used to a pet carrier and make sure it doesn’t cause any threats to his health. Obviously, there is no way your pet is going to be comfortable the first time he gets inside one. So, you can read this article to get some helpful tips to get your pet used to a carrier.
Choosing and Preparing the Right Pet Carrier
So, in order to make sure your pet is safe when traveling by car, train, motorbike, or airplane, you need to choose the right pet carrier. This means you need to think about their size, weight, age, health, etc. The cage should obviously be larger than your pet, and big enough for them to move, lie down, turn around 360°, stand up, and sit comfortably.
Furthermore, if you’re traveling by car, you should make sure they have a supply of food and water. However, it’s not a good idea to give them any food just before you hit the road.
Once your car is in motion, swerving can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and other digestive problems. Therefore, it’s really important to make regular stops and offer your pet some cool water to prevent him from getting dehydrated.
Your Destination
It’s also important to think about where you’re going. You need to remember that the more different the environment, the harder it will be for your pet to re-adapt. If you’re thinking of taking your pet and leaving him tied up or locked up, it’s probably better that you leave him with someone of trust or find a good pet hotel.
Getting Your Pet Used to A Pet Carrier
Needing Time to Adapt
Trying to make your pet do something he doesn’t want to do, is absolutely not safe. Your pet could take a defensive approach or feel threatened, and this could cause aggressive behavior. You’ll also be causing him great stress which can have a negative effect on his health.
You need to remember that adapting to something different is a process, and every living being experiences it differently. To get your pet used to a pet carrier, you need to be patient and give them time.
Try to stimulate your pet’s curiosity and reward him for positive behavior. This will help them re-adapt without damaging their well-being.
Getting Your Pet Inside the Pet Carrier
To begin with, you should leave the pet carrier somewhere where he can get into it and get out. It’s counterproductive when your pet gets inside on his own and then the door closes, because it’ll instantly make him feel unsafe.

Make a pet carrier seem to be a positive experience by encouraging him to explore inside of it. How? One simple way is to place a treat or one of his favorite foods inside. You can also use toys, praising or petting him as positive reinforcement in order to make him curious.
Once your pet seems feel calm about the pet carrier, you can move onto the next step. You can start by putting their food bowl in the entrance. Then, each time, progressively move it further back in the carrier until it’s at the end.
How to Close the Door
The third step involves closing the door and making sure that your pet feels calm about being inside. This requires a little more patience than the previous steps and you may need to gradually close the door.

Once you’ve managed to close the door halfway, you’re almost ready to completely close it. At first, you should close it just for a few seconds to see how your pet reacts. If he seems calm and secure, you can increase the amount of time that the door is closed (by a few seconds each time, there’s no need to rush your pet). The idea is to get your pet to remain calm for five minutes inside the pet carrier.
Don’t Use the Pet Carrier as Punishment
To get your pet used to a pet carrier you can’t allow him to associate it with negative experiences. Therefore, you should never lock your animal in a pet carrier as a form of punishment. Your pet should associate the carrier as something peaceful and secure, just like if it were part of the house.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that before starting traveling, you should go to the vet to make sure that your pet is fit and healthy to travel.
Do you want to take your pet on a family trip during these upcoming holidays? If so, the first thing you need to do is to get your pet used to a pet carrier and make sure it doesn’t cause any threats to his health. Obviously, there is no way your pet is going to be comfortable the first time he gets inside one. So, you can read this article to get some helpful tips to get your pet used to a carrier.
Choosing and Preparing the Right Pet Carrier
So, in order to make sure your pet is safe when traveling by car, train, motorbike, or airplane, you need to choose the right pet carrier. This means you need to think about their size, weight, age, health, etc. The cage should obviously be larger than your pet, and big enough for them to move, lie down, turn around 360°, stand up, and sit comfortably.
Furthermore, if you’re traveling by car, you should make sure they have a supply of food and water. However, it’s not a good idea to give them any food just before you hit the road.
Once your car is in motion, swerving can cause dizziness, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and other digestive problems. Therefore, it’s really important to make regular stops and offer your pet some cool water to prevent him from getting dehydrated.
Your Destination
It’s also important to think about where you’re going. You need to remember that the more different the environment, the harder it will be for your pet to re-adapt. If you’re thinking of taking your pet and leaving him tied up or locked up, it’s probably better that you leave him with someone of trust or find a good pet hotel.
Getting Your Pet Used to A Pet Carrier
Needing Time to Adapt
Trying to make your pet do something he doesn’t want to do, is absolutely not safe. Your pet could take a defensive approach or feel threatened, and this could cause aggressive behavior. You’ll also be causing him great stress which can have a negative effect on his health.
You need to remember that adapting to something different is a process, and every living being experiences it differently. To get your pet used to a pet carrier, you need to be patient and give them time.
Try to stimulate your pet’s curiosity and reward him for positive behavior. This will help them re-adapt without damaging their well-being.
Getting Your Pet Inside the Pet Carrier
To begin with, you should leave the pet carrier somewhere where he can get into it and get out. It’s counterproductive when your pet gets inside on his own and then the door closes, because it’ll instantly make him feel unsafe.

Make a pet carrier seem to be a positive experience by encouraging him to explore inside of it. How? One simple way is to place a treat or one of his favorite foods inside. You can also use toys, praising or petting him as positive reinforcement in order to make him curious.
Once your pet seems feel calm about the pet carrier, you can move onto the next step. You can start by putting their food bowl in the entrance. Then, each time, progressively move it further back in the carrier until it’s at the end.
How to Close the Door
The third step involves closing the door and making sure that your pet feels calm about being inside. This requires a little more patience than the previous steps and you may need to gradually close the door.

Once you’ve managed to close the door halfway, you’re almost ready to completely close it. At first, you should close it just for a few seconds to see how your pet reacts. If he seems calm and secure, you can increase the amount of time that the door is closed (by a few seconds each time, there’s no need to rush your pet). The idea is to get your pet to remain calm for five minutes inside the pet carrier.
Don’t Use the Pet Carrier as Punishment
To get your pet used to a pet carrier you can’t allow him to associate it with negative experiences. Therefore, you should never lock your animal in a pet carrier as a form of punishment. Your pet should associate the carrier as something peaceful and secure, just like if it were part of the house.
Finally, it’s worth mentioning that before starting traveling, you should go to the vet to make sure that your pet is fit and healthy to travel.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.