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Homemade Fly Repellent Recipes

3 minutes
Once the weather warms up, insects start making their way into people's homes. Most people decide to use insecticides, but they have toxic chemicals that end up harming the environment. However, you can use natural products that are just as effective.
Homemade Fly Repellent Recipes
Last update: 24 October, 2018

Warm weather makes you want to spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately, it does the same for insects! But this doesn’t mean you have to give up on your plans just for these pesky insects.  Therefore, in today’s article, you can learn about some effective recipes for homemade fly repellent.

Homemade fly repellent recipes

When flies invade, most people’s first react by purchasing and using insecticideUnfortunately, these products can be toxic to humans. That’s why here you should read some of these homemade fly repellent recipes in order to keep them out of your life in a natural manner.

1. Vinegar Repellent

Vinegar–in the picture above–is an acidic liquid that has a strong smell. Flies absolutely hate it. The acetic acid in vinegar also slows them down if it gets on their body.

Here’s what you need:

  • 10 drops of white vinegar
  • 10 drops of laundry detergent
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • A glass of water

Mix all the ingredients together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle. It makes a great repellent and natural insecticide.

Just remember that some flies, like fruit flies, love acidic smells, so it might have the opposite effect on some types of flies. Make sure you know what kind of fly you’re dealing with before you use this homemade repellent.

2. Essential Oil Repellent

This repellent can also help you keep other insects away, like mosquitoesThe aromas from essential oils are too strong for them. So, they’re a great repellent for several parts of your house. For example, spray some onto your curtains, around doors, and window sills.

Some figure

You’ll need 10 drops of the following oils:

You can find them easily at any natural store. Mix them together, put them in an atomizer and spray several areas in your home. It’s also great for outside spaces!

3. Garlic Repellent

Another one of our favorite recipes for homemade fly repellent is extremely simple: garlic. You probably already have some at home because it’s a basic ingredient to find in kitchens. Insects hate the smell of garlic, so it’s a great way to stop them from coming into your home.

Remove the skin from each clove of garlic and cut them in half. You can also mash them or cut them into tiny pieces. Put them into a transparent fabric bag and hang them from a window.

4. Aromatic Plant Repellent

Whether inside or outside your house, aromatic plants are a great way to repel certain insects. Put some inside the pots of your kitchen, balcony, porch, or patio to keep flies away.

Here are some of the best plants you can use:

  • Lavender
  • Citronella
  • Rosemary
  • Salvia
  • Basil
  • Oregano

The best part is that you can also use most of them as fresh herbs for your food and tea.

5. Eucalyptus and Vinegar Repellent

When it comes to this repellent,  you can combine two of the other repellents into a highly effective anti-fly spray. All you need is half a glass of apple cider vinegar and 20 drops of eucalyptus oils. If you don’t have it, you can choose any of the others that were listed above.

Some figure

Mix them together in a spray bottle and spray onto your clothes, dining room table, window sills, baseboards, sheets, trash cans, etc…

6. Alcohol and Herb Repellent

If you’re looking for the best recipe for homemade fly repellent, this might be your answer. It consists of dry herbs like mint, lavender, and citronella. You can use just one of them or make a combination. Whichever ones you decide to use, it should be around two tablespoonfuls.

Put it into a pot of water until it starts to boil. Remove it from the heat and let it cool down. Then strain it and add half a cup of 70% alcohol (from the pharmacy). Pour it into a spray bottle and use it all over the house.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Sarwar, M. (2016). Indoor risks of pesticide uses are significantly linked to hazards of the family members. Cogent Medicine, 3(1), 1155373.
  • Bertoni, A. O. (2017). Insecticida natural para el control de Musca doméstica en base a aceites esenciales y sus componentes. Revista Methodo, 2(3).
  • Hinkle, N. C., & Hogsette, J. A. (2021). A review of alternative controls for house flies. Insects, 12(11), 1042.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.