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Learn About 6 Strange Cat Behaviors And Why They Do It

3 minutes
Understanding cats' behavior can make it easier to live with them, although in some cases they might have developed some sort of disorder that requires veterinary attention.
Learn About 6 Strange Cat Behaviors And Why They Do It
Last update: 06 October, 2018

People have always thought cats are mysterious creatures. On several occasions, it may have seemed impossible to understand your cat. Continue reading this article to take a look at strange cat behavior and learn why your cat might be behaving strangely.

What is strange cat behavior?

In regard to their mysterious nature and unpredictable movements, trying to understand cats can be a journey. Below, you can find out why your cat has such strange behaviors.

Understanding cats’ behavior can make it easier to live with them, although in some cases they might have developed some sort of disorder that requires veterinary attention.

Rubbing against each other

You have probably already seen your cat rubbing up against other cats when they see each other, even if it’s the first time they’re meeting. This is their way of saying “I’m glad to see you.” Thanks to their olfactory glands on their faces, rubbing allows them to get to know each other up close and personal. Your cat might also do this when you arrive home. Although they generally can’t reach your face, they will probably rub up against your leg with their body.

Running Around Like Crazy

You probably have sat on the couch while watching your cat start running around the place like crazy. One reason for this burst of crazy energy might be due to his excess energy. This is usually something that happens with younger cats, who have more energy to spend.

Although their young age is usually the main reason for this strange cat behavior, a flea bit or other parasite could also be the cause. However, if you notice your cat doing this behavior more than usual, then you should take him on a trip to the vet. There is a well-known syndrome called feline hyperesthesia, which this is a type of obsessive-compulsive disorder that requires medical attention.

Licking hair

You might not understand this strange cat behavior, but have you ever wondered why your cat coming up to your face and start licking your hair? This gesture is based on the memory cats have from when they were kittens and their mother groomed them.

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At the same time, cats also lick other cats. When you cat licks your hair, take it as a token of appreciation because the cat is telling you or the other cat as part of his family.

Hiding their legs

When cats sit on the ground, they often hide their legs under their bodies in curled up position in order to maintain a comfortable body temperature. This can be considered the same thing as when humans cross their arms when they’re cold.

Pushing litter out of the litter box

Surely every time you see your cat doing this, you might wonder why. This is nothing more than a compulsive behavior, like when dogs go around in a circle right before relieving themselves.

There are some cats that are very careful and use the litter box as quietly and discreetly as possible. There are others that prefer making a huge mess. If your cat is one of the latter, then we can only recommend being patienent.

Eating plants

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For gardeners, having your cat eat your potted plant is not fun at all. So, what does this strange cat behavior mean? Well, it’s certainly not just to annoy you. Plants are attractive to cats and they are curious about them.

Therefore, be careful with what kind of plants you have at home because many are poisonous to cats. Try only having plants that are harmless to cats, just in case your cat ever eats one. If possible, you can also plant catnip, which can be useful in helping control some of your cat’s strange behaviors.

This strange cat behavior might be odd to us but it’s quite common. Understanding the reasons why your cat behaves strangerly will only help you get to know your cat better.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.