How To Teach A Dog To Cross The Road

Most dogs go crazy when they go out on the road. We may be able to help them exercise restraint sometimes, but when it comes to teaching them how to cross the road, things can get complicated. They want to run and pounce on cars without even thinking about what can happen to them.
It is obvious that they do not think before they act. Therefore, they do not see the danger that results from dashing across the road. It is our obligation to not only supervise them but to also help them learn how to cross the road safely. Can we really teach a dog to do this? Yes! And we are going to show you how it can be done.
There are two essential commands that a dog must learn: “stay” or “sit” and “come” or “go”. These are the basic commands because they tell the dog exactly what it needs to do.
Teach your dog the “stay” command

First, choose a place, such as a board on the ground or even a plastic table. The animal should be on it and when he tries to move say “no” (a word that I’m sure your dog already understands) while you hold him in place with your hands and say “stay”.
The dog—when they hear this command several times—will associate the word “stay” with the fact that they cannot move or go wherever they want to. Then, remove them from wherever they are standing, and let them go. Tell them “stay” whenever you gesture to them.
Do not expect your dog to do it perfectly the first time. You already know that teaching a dog a command requires both time and patience. But, after a few times of listening to your commands and associating it with the corresponding action, your dog will learn. Don’t doubt it!
Teach your dog the “go” command
Once your animal has learned the “stay” command, it is a good time to teach them the “come” or “go” command. How can we do this? After you get them to “stay”, make a gesture with your hand as you say “come”.
The dog might look at you and think you’re crazy. He may not understand what you expect of him. Call the dog by his name and tell him to “come’. Then walk and tell him “come”. Remember to accompany your order with a gesture for the animal to relate the gesture with the command. Then it will be easier for him to obey you.
Now time for your dog to learn to cross the road
Once your pet has learned the two most basic commands, it is time to teach him how to cross the road.
The main thing to use is a leash to keep the dog at your side at all times. Not behind or in front.
Do not wait until you get to the end of the sidewalk. It is best to stop about twenty meters before when the light is still red. Then repeat the “stay” command. When the light changes to green, say “come”, always keeping the dog at your side.
Little by little your pet will familiarize themselves with both commands and relate them to crossing the road. Once this happens, you can teach them the “stop” command. You can use this when you are in front of a stoplight. Then the animal will know when to stop, stay, or walk. It is possible that they may learn this without the need for a leash although if you want to practice, you should do it on remote or roads without traffic.
Use positive reinforcement when crossing the road

The best way to teach your dog to cross the road is by using positive reinforcement. Each time your dog learns a command or recognizes and obeys an order, give your pet his favorite treat and pet him. This will help him to know that you love him and are proud of him too.
Do not yell or get angry with your pet if he doesn’t obey you or seems unresponsive to your command. If you associate obedience with a prize, it will be easier for your pet to obey you. However, if your pet sees that you are upset, it is possible that he will not know where to go. And he may not obey you out of fear that you will scold him.
Remember – all things are achieved through love, persistence, and perseverance.
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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.