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The Differences Between Camels and Dromedaries

3 minutes
The differences between these two species, which look alike, are in their weight, fur, and humps. At least when it comes to their physical features. They also have different origins, and completely distinct personalities.
The Differences Between Camels and Dromedaries
Last update: 09 September, 2018

Do camels have one or two humps? It’s a common question when people talk about camels or dromedaries. These two species are very much alike, how can tell the difference between them? Continue reading this article if you want to find out the answer to that question.

Differences between camels and dromedaries

You might think people only used them in ancient times, but there are still many places where people use them for transportation purposes due to the difficult terrain they live in.

When people talk about camels, they’re usually referring to bactrian camels. At a simple glance they look the same as dromedaries. That’s funny, because they’ve been with humans during the entire history of humanity. So how about learning to tell the difference between them?

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The biggest difference: humps!

As mentioned earlier, the main question people have about them is whether they have one or two humps. That’s easy. Camels have one hump, and dromedaries have two.

There was a myth about how they were able to store water in their humps and how that was why they could go on so many hours walking without needing to drink water. However, that myth has been debunked.

Their hump is just part of their physique, and the myths are way off.

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They come from different places

Dromedaries are from Arab countries, while camels are from central Asia. Some people think one existed first and the other evolved through a genetic mutation that caused it to have either one more or one less hump.

One for the heat, one for the cold

Due to them originating from different regions, they’re distinct in several ways. For example, dromedaries are made for intense heatThey can handle temperatures over 120 degrees Fahrenheit.

Bactrian camels live in a cold area that reaches sub-zero temperatures, but they can handle that without a single problem. Their cold resistance also helps them in the heat.

Their fur is different

They are similar in color but they have a different texture and thickness. Camels have longer fur because they live in cold areas. Their fur grows a lot during the winter and then sheds during the summer.

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Dromedaries have short fur that stays on them all year round. It’s always thick enough to protect them from sunburns and the heat.

One is smaller

Strangely enough, camels are smaller than dromedaries. The second has much longer hooves and a slightly bigger hump. Just because of those two traits, a camel would seem small next to a dromedary.

People even say that camels aren’t as good at walking long distances and going without drinking water as long as dromedaries. With that said, camels are resistant animals and are known for it, but dromedaries take the title as the most resistant between the two.

Camels are more docile

Dromedaries have a reputation for being aggressive, but camels are usually docile and trainable. That’s why people use camels as tourist attractions, and why they were used for transportation in remote areas.

Did you like learning about the differences between the two? So, does a camel have one or two humps? After reading this article, you definitely know the answer to that question.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.