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Tips For Playing With Your Cat

4 minutes
When playing with your cat you need to remember that they love activities which work alongside their hunting instincts.
Tips For Playing With Your Cat
Last update: 21 November, 2018

Maybe you only recently adopted a cat and you want to know the best way you can spend time together. Playing with your cat can be the most fun activity you can ever do as long as you know what they like and how to keep them happy. In this article, we’ll give you a few tips.

Playing with your cat

The truth is that cats can entertain themselves with pretty much anything close to them. They can play with a ball, some fluff, a loose piece of thread from the sofa. Due to the fact that cats are so independent, it’s simply a question of buying or giving them a scratching post. However, if you want to play with your cat when you’re at home, then take a look at some of these tips.

1. Choose his favorite toy

Of all the toys your cat has, most likely they have a favorite. Even a brand new toy can hold their interest more than the rest. The most popular toys are ones with a stick or string with something that moves at the end.

Another interesting and fun idea is to give them a cardboard box. All cats, whether they are a Russian Blue or Siamese, love cardboard boxes. Make some holes in different parts and trap them if they try to escape.

2. Give them a half an hour per day to play with your cat

When you arrive home from work you might be too tired to play with your cat. However, you should make an effort to have some quality time with your cat at least 30 minutes a day. If they’ve been on their own for a long time, then they’ll really appreciate your attention.

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3. Cater to their instincts

You need to remember that cats are part of the feline family, which makes them stalking and hunting animals. It’s important that games cater to their “wild” instincts, without making them aggressive.

Choose toys and games that get your cat to sit crouched watching their “prey” and suddenly catch it between his paws. For example, you could use stuffed toys or a plastic mouse, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, for a piece of thread. You could be able to play with him like that for hours.

4. Grabbing their attention

Not all cats will go running to their owners to play, apart from maybe some kittens or very bored cats. Therefore, you’re going to have to get their attention yourself. How? You can shake a toy close to him, pass something shiny in front of him, or pretend that you’ve found some prey.

5. Be gentle

Cats don’t like to be bothered too much and your cat might have a very low threshold for you getting in the way. Remember that for cats territory is scared, so avoid scaring them or making sudden movements if you want to play with your cat without having any problems.

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6. Don’t continue playing with your cat if he looks angry

You can tell if your cat is getting annoyed or tired of your games by keeping an eye on his tail. For example, if their tail is moving like a whip from one side to the other, it’s possibly because they’re irritated.

Another way to cats express their discontent is if they grab and cling onto your hand or arm with all four legs, and tries to bite or scratch you. Some cats can become a little aggressive when they play. If they get their claws out they could injure themselves, even by accident.

Cats will “tell” you when they want to play and when they would prefer to do something else on their own. Once their attention has drifted from you, it could be difficult to get them to pay attention to you again. In this situation, it’s a good idea that you call it a day or just rest for at least a few hours.

Best of all is if your cat can have fun when you’re not home too. Spread some toys or games around the house and leave them for your cat in case they get bored. This way you’ll stop them from destroying the furniture!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.