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Why Your Cat Stares at You

3 minutes
First of all, cats don't actually blink very much. Their stare could mean anything including curiosity, fear, affection, or even just that they need something.
Why Your Cat Stares at You
Last update: 26 September, 2018

People say cats are mysterious and they’re very unpredictable. One of the main reasons people say that is because of their penetrating, undefinable stare. A lot of people find themselves asking, “Why does my cat stare at me?” Read on to figure out the answer.

Why your cat stares at you

People commonly say and even the Bible mentions that the eyes are the window to the soul. Well, when it comes to cats, it can be a bit frightening. You must be aware of any out of the ordinary expressions and behaviors.

So, if you want to understand why your cat stares at you so much, then you should go over some basics things about cats. To begin, cats blink less than half as many times a day as humans do. Therefore, it may seem that their eyes are constantly open and people often interpret their glaze as a threat.

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Of course, everyone has heard the saying “curiosity killed the cat.” Therefore, this implies that when a cat is staring at you, it’s his way to observe a creature different from his species. It loves to watch the way you act. Everything you do helps it understand you better.

Don’t assume it’s an aggressive or territorial behavior. It’s more likely that your cat is curious, admires you, and loves it when you look at him. Their gaze is also an important part of their body language, they can communicate a lot of things through it. If a cat stares at you, that’s a sign that it feels comfortable and safe with you.

It’s also a way to show you that you’re important to him and that he needs you. So instead of being scared if a cat stares at you, be happy because all it wants to show you his love.

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Understanding the different gaze

As mentioned earlier, a cat’s gaze is a major part of his body language. However, there are also several different ways to interpret it.  Below you can find some examples:

  • It needs something. Animals can’t talk, so looking at you is the best way they have to tell you they need something. Check to see if your cat has water, food, and a clean litter box. Maybe you forgot to feed him or maybe he just wants his favorite toy.
  • It stares at you while you’re moving around. It probably doesn’t do this all the time, or even every day.  Maybe you have a new bag, you’re talking to someone and your mood changes, you’re singing in the kitchen, or behaving in any way that’s uncommon for your cat. These kinds of things draw your cat’s attention. It’s basically staring at you out of curiosity.
  • It’s trying to be commanding. There are times when your cat wants to be bossy. Cats usually do this kind of thing with other animals, but if you’ve scolded your cat, or done anything else he doesn’t like, he might be trying to challenge you. If your cat stares at you, hisses, and has his tail raised or in attack position, don’t stare back.
  • Affection. If a cat stares at you with his eyes half-way opened, it can also be a sign that he is comfortable with you. If your cat looks at you this way, he’s telling you that he enjoys your company and it’s his way of thanking you for it.
  • If a cat is staring at you with dilated pupils, he’s afraid and feels like there’s some kind of threat. He might have heard something in another corner of the house and is coming to you for help.

These are some of the reasons your cat might stare at you. People often believe cats are mysterious creatures to this behavior, but now you see how untrue that is. You just have to know how to interpret felines.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?, PURINA. Recogido a 19 de enero de 2022 en https://www.purina.ca/articles/cat/behaviour/why-does-my-cat-stare-me
  • Why Does My Cat Stare At Me While I Sleep? Recogido a 19 de enero de 2022 en https://www.purina.ca/articles/cat/behaviour/why-does-my-cat-stare-me

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.