Elsa M. de Arribas
A biologist specializing in cell biology and bioinformatics. She is currently studying for a doctorate at the University of La Coruña, where she is expanding her knowledge of bioinformatics. She combines her studies with her work as a writer specializing in biology, animals, and nature in general.
About the author
Elsa graduated in Biology from the University of Salamanca (2018). She complemented her studies with a Master's degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Salamanca (2018) and a Master's degree in Bioinformatics for Health Sciences at the University of La Coruña (2020). In the latter, she carried out her Doctorate in Bioinformatics.
She completed her company curricular internships at the Immunoallergy Laboratory at the Virgen Vega Hospital in Salamanca during the month of July 2016. She did a project on the intervention of Transcription Factors such as RARα, RARβ, and RARγ and their possible regulation by the PTGDR2 gene through specific binding sites in the promoter of said gene.
Her final degree projects and her Master's degree projects have focused on the study of epigenetics in relation to allergic diseases. She has also specialized in bioinformatics, which has led her to dabble in programming, machine learning, and deep learning.