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Raquel Rubio Sotos

Raquel Rubio Sotos

Medical Team

A biologist specializing in animal care and environmental management. She has worked as a volunteer in conservation projects, as well as a facilitator of programs, talks and outreach events. She works as an environmental educator at FAUNIA, so she teaches children, youth, and adults about environmental preservation. She also has experience in the care and protection of birds of prey.

About the author

Graduated in Biology from the Rey Juan Carlos University (2016). She has completed her training with courses and programs in environmental management, exotic animal care, animal biology, veterinary assistant, and pet rehabilitation.

She has more than 3 years of experience in the care and training of wild animals, mainly birds of prey and exotic. She also has experience in the care, treatment, and surgery of domestic animals. She has worked as a volunteer in centers such as the Native Fauna Rehabilitation Group and AAP Primadomus.

Currently an environmental educator at FAUNIA. There she works with children and adults in spreading the importance of conserving the environment and respecting the lives of animals. In addition, she dedicates her time to fauna and flora photography and dissemination through social networks and digital media.