A Baby Helps a Dog Overcomes her Past Abuse

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
After past abuse, a dog named Nora found the security she needed to overcome all her fears. How did she do it? She found support in an eleven-month-old baby. Basically, the baby helps a dog overcome her past abuse.
Nora’s adoption after abuse
Nora is an 8-year-old English Pointer. The Spence family adopted her, even though they knew she had a history of abuse. When she got home, Nora was afraid of everything. However, she wasn’t afraid of Archie. And, Archie was a baby who was only eleven months old.
Because Archie was the only thing she wasn’t afraid of, Nora and Archie became best friends. Unintentionally, Nora’s friendship with this baby was the best therapy to help her overcome all her fears.
Nora goes everywhere with Archie. Together they share endearing moments throughout the day. Their routine consists of naps and constant games.
Archie has had a love for animals almost since birth. Basically, he learned this love from his parents. His father believes it is very important to treat the living beings around us with respect. And, he teaches their children that lesson as well.
An exemplary family
Elisabeth Spence and her husband have three children and five pets. The pets include two dogs and three cats. All of the animals were adopted in shelters after suffering mistreatment. Today, more than 50 thousand people who follow the family’s Instagram account. So many people have fallen in love with this family.
The Spence Family’s Instagram account usually consists of various reflections about the importance of adopting. The focus on giving a home to animals that have been abused or abandoned.
Due to their daily efforts, Nora has been given a safe haven. And, this is all thanks to work of the family and the dog’s special relationship with Archie. Although Nora’s past is sad and filled with suffering, her new life together with her adorable best friend has made her world a more pleasant place.
Integrating an abused dog into your family
An animal that has been mistreated in the past needs a regular schedule, a warm, safe space to call home and lots of kind words from its new owner.
The damage inflicted by past mistreatment can mean that the animal will, at first, have a strong distrust towards people. Reeducating a dog that has suffered physical or psychological abuse from its previous owner takes time, love and effort to get the pet to trust their new family.
Specialists affirm that the physical or psychological abuses suffered by a dog can deeply change an animal. The longer the sad and deplorable situation of abuse continues, the more intense the effects of the abuse will be.
It is also necessary to know that an abused dog can relate sudden gestures to violence because he has come to associate these movements with violent behavior.
The common symptoms of a dog with disorders due to past abuse are usually sadness, depression and even certain aggressive behaviors.
A dog that was a victim of abuse can also develop certain compulsive behaviors, which he performs repeatedly and for no apparent reason. This can present itself through excessive barking, licking surfaces in an abnormal way, obsessively chasing their own tail or being obsessed with digging in all kinds of surfaces.
The key to approaching and helping an abused dog recover

One of the most important things to do when approaching an animal that has suffered abuse is to move slowly. You need to treat the animal gently, and be sure to slow down your movements as you walk towards it and interact with the animal.
When approaching the dog that has been abused, you should try to be as kind and delicate as possible. The dog will be regaining more and more confidence in humans during each interaction, so that you can help the animal recover.
Tone of voice is also important. Using a soft tone of voice can help calm the animal. When feeding the dog, you should also be careful, leaving the food close to the animal and then retreating, without forcing the dog to eat.
It is important that the animal begins to become accustomed to your voice and associates it with something familiar. Eventually, the dog will learn that everything you do for him is for his wellbeing and that you won’t hurt him, which will give him a feeling of security with you. Little by little, he will trust you more and more.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.