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Rexie, the Cat Who Uses a Wheelchair

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Rexie, the Cat Who Uses a Wheelchair
Last update: 26 April, 2018

Today we have a moving story for you about a cat that can now live a completely normal life thanks to technological advances. Her name is Rexie. Would you like to hear her story?

Rexie’s story

When she was a very little kitten, Rexie had a very serious accident. She fell out of a window, and since she was so small and didn’t have all of her joints well-developed yet, she badly injured her back legs.

Rexie was not an abandoned cat — by no means. She had and still has her human mother, Daria Minaeva, who she lives with in Russia. Daria immediately took her to the emergency room after the accident.

The cat was admitted to the animal clinic for a few days to get all the necessary tests. It didn’t take long to see something that was heartbreaking news for Daria, Rexie’s owner: her beautiful cat’s back legs had been paralyzed.

The doctors thought that Rexie wouldn’t survive for another three months, but her strength left them all amazed. Daria wouldn’t settle, and she asked for second opinions, but they all came to the same conclusion: Rexie would not be able to move her back legs again.

Daria couldn’t stop thinking about how her little furry friend could someday have a normal life. Her heart broke every time she saw Rexie look at herself and lick her back legs.

And there was hope…

Even though Daria didn’t really know what options there were for this type of paralysis, she took the time to search online and speak with professionals and people with cats.

Then she found something that could give a better quality of life to Rexie. She found out that little wheelchairs existed that could be used only on the back legs. It was a great idea!

What is a wheelchair for cats like?

Some figure

Don’t picture a cat sitting down while his owner pushes him, or anything like that. A wheelchair for cats lets the animal recover his mobility and also his physical form, so he can keep exercising.

In cases like Rexie’s where the paralysis is in the back legs, a wheelchair for cats is made of two wheels with two bars (one on each wheel) made of aluminum or any type of light and durable material.

They are connected by a type of U, also made of aluminum, that passes behind them. On the front part of the U there is a kind of belt that will prevent the animal from going forward and stopping the chair from moving.

There are also some special fasteners where the animal’s paralyzed legs go, to immobilize them and prevent them from getting caught in the wheels.

These chairs are wonderful for animals like Rexie who have been partially paralyzed or even those who have had a limb amputated. How did a wheelchair help the cat that we’re talking about today?

Rexie’s new life

When Daria got a wheelchair for Rexie, everything changed for the better. The wheelchair lets her have a normal life. She goes out with her owner to walk through the park, and even runs after butterflies and insects.

Rexie has become a normal cat just like any other. Now she is two years old; she is a happy kitten living in a home where she is loved and cared for. She can do the same things that any other cat can do.

Thanks Daria not making a rash decision to put her down after the terrible accident, Rexie has a great life. It’s a lesson for all pet owners. Don’t rush, ask for second opinions, and do everything you can to give a better life to your pet. It could turn out like Rexie’s wonderful story.

Source of the images: https://noticias.terra.com.mx

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.