How to Raise a Labrador Retriever

This breed has a friendly and sociable personality and is highly intelligent, which makes it perfect for first-time owners. However, labs do require enough physical activity and a proper diet to maintain a healthy weight, among other things.
The Labrador Retriever is one of the most prized dogs in the world, not only for its physical beauty, but also for its friendly and quiet personality. No wonder so many people decide to get one as a pet. If you’re thinking of doing the same, you need to know how to raise a Labrador Retriever. So read on for some useful advice!
What to consider when raising a Labrador Retriever
It is important to consider the type of climate a dog needs and the climate you can offer before you adopt him. Small dogs adapt easily, but the larger breeds may have problems being in the wrong temperature.
For instance, the Labrador is known for being able to withstand high temperatures, so he would be perfect for tropical or hot climates. Heat will not affect his energy or enthusiasm. On the other hand, a Labrador is not good at dealing with cold weather.
Labradors have always been known for being a working dog in different types of occupations. In regard to the breed’s size, it’s obvious that large amounts of exercise are needed for their health and to prevent them from getting bored.
Labradors tend to get bored, especially when living in small spaces. Thus, they may resort to destructive behaviors, though never aggressive ones.
Labs have a sociable personality, and although they are perfect for single people, they prefer to be in a family setting, especially with children. They are patient, and they enjoy playing games and sports with kids. It’s like this breed doesn’t run out of energy.
Positive reinforcement
The calm personality of this breed means they’re not good at handling getting yelled at or being mistreated. Although Labradors are big dogs that are very intelligent and docile, sometimes you may have to raise your voice in order to show them who’s boss.

Positive reinforcement is always the best way to teach an animal basic commands and house rules, and this is especially important for a Labrador. In fact, if you do otherwise, the Labrador could rebel and even become aggressive.
The Labrador is known for overeating. However, you can say the same thing about almost any dog. If you leave his food out, he will most likely eat it all up. What’s sad is that this breed is prone to obesity. The best thing to do is to control your dog’s portions, not only regarding the quantity but also the amount of daily servings.
This breed demands attention and affection. They don’t like being left alone and would react negatively to loneliness. If you are a person who has to leave your dog at home for long hours, then you might want to consider getting a more independent breed.

The Labrador in particular needs to feel like he is part of the family. He wants to be pampered, loved and involved in everything. In fact, count on him wanting to go on vacation with you as well.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.