Deworming Methods For Dogs

Written and verified by the lawyer Francisco María García
Deworming is crucial for keeping your dog healthy because parasites can cause very serious diseases.
Internal and external deworming are essential parts of preventative care for dogs. Currently, there are all kinds of collars, sprays, and pills to deworm your dog. Therefore, it’s important to know how to choose wisely and confidently.
Below we’ll see a brief comparison of the main deworming methods for dogs that are available in the market. However, remember that proper hygiene habits are also extremely important to keep your dog safe from parasites.
In addition to the deworming treatment, you should brush your dog frequently and take him for periodic check-ups of his skin and hair. During the summer, the heat and increase in ectoparasites can affect dogs with a lot of hair. It might be a good idea to go to the groomer.
Parasites and health risks
The parasites that affect dogs are divided into two subcategories: endoparasites and ectoparasites. Endoparasites, as their name indicates, live inside the animal. Generally speaking, these organisms stay in the intestinal tract, where they feed.
Endoparasites can have a flat body, like tapeworms or cestodes, or a round body, like roundworms. The initial symptoms are gastrointestinal disorders, such as diarrhea or vomiting. When they’re not treated quickly, they can cause anemia, intestinal blockage, and even neurological alterations.
On the other hand, ectoparasites are most common in dogs and affect their skin. The main types are fleas, ticks, lice, and mites. In addition, mosquitoes are temporary or opportunistic parasites.

This type of parasite usually acts as a carrier for disease. The saliva of fleas can cause intense itching, allergic reactions, and skin rashes. Mosquitoes are the main carriers of leishmaniasis and filariasis.
Ticks can cause itching and dermatitis, as well as diseases like ehrlichiosis and babesiosis. If it’s not treated in time, a tick infestation can be fatal for the dog.
Deworming pills and how they work
Before choosing a specific product or brand, it’s important to understand how different deworming methods work. Deworming pills are given orally; then they pass through the dog’s digestive tract. The dose for each animal depends on his weight, age, and health.
Pipettes, collars, and sprays take the transdermal route. They reach the bloodstream after the skin absorbs them. If you choose these methods, make sure that they are capable of eliminating parasites and not just keeping them away.
Today, many dog owners are opting for chewable tablets to eliminate and prevent ectoparasites. These treatments are getting more effective.
The active ingredient of these products (Afoxolaner) is absorbed by the digestive system and then reaches the bloodstream. Next, it is distributed by the bodily tissues and kills the ectoparasites by overexciting the nervous system.

How often do I need to deworm my dog?
The frequency of deworming will depend on the age and health of each dog. Puppies must start treatment for internal parasites in their first weeks of life. After a few months, the veterinarian will recommend starting external deworming with products specially for puppies.
You can give deworming pills to adult dogs every three to six months. The frequency for ectoparasite preventative treatments will depend on the product that you use.
Some chewable tablets provide protection for 90 or 120 days, while the pipettes are usually applied every one or two months. These ranges will also depend on the size of the animal, the breed, etc.
Anti-flea and anti-parasite collars can last between three and eight months, depending on the manufacturer and the product. The Scalibor is one of the best collars for dogs; it repels ticks, fleas, lice, and mosquitoes.
Always remember that your veterinarian is very important in your dog’s deworming. They can guide you to the best products for your dog. In addition, appointments every six months are essential for keeping your pup healthy.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.