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Does Your Dog Eat A Lot? Here's How to Prevent It

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Does Your Dog Eat A Lot? Here's How to Prevent It
Last update: 23 July, 2018

Greed and gluttony are two deadly sins for pets. If your pet practically swallows everything that he has within reach, always has a voracious appetite and can eat without stopping, then you should be careful… he could get sick! Remember that a dog with proper eating habits is a healthy and strong pet. In this article, we are going to tell you how to prevent your dog from eating too much.

My dog eats a lot: why?

There are some dogs that never satisfy their hunger and are always eager for their dish to be filled with food. When their owners are having lunch or dinner, they walk from here to there, waiting for something to fall on the floor. Or, they beg and cry so that their owners share a small piece of what they are enjoying.

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Veterinarians indicate that a gluttonous dog isn’t born, but rather he’s made. This means that it depends on the upbringing that he has had since he was a puppy; it determines how the animal will be for the rest of his life. This is mainly because family members “spoiled” him by giving him food to eat at different times or when they were eating something.

In turn, if the dog doesn’t play enough or go for enough walks, he will find shelter in food, a source of satisfaction for so much accumulated energy. It’s good to know that the dog doesn’t understand that you need to abide by the rules.

Don’t forget to take him to the veterinarian to rule out any illnesses that could make him eat a lot. The two most common diseases in this case are mellitus diabetes or hormonal changes.

My dog eats a lot… and fast!

Another common problem in animals is that they gulp down food without stopping and breathing. This is truly bad for them. Swallowing without chewing is an instinctive attitude that comes from their ancestors and close relatives, the wolves. It can cause intestinal problems.

The faster he eats, the less he chews. The bad thing is that between the dog food and the beef or chicken bones that are on the plate, the animal can choke or the food can get stuck in his throat. Since he is also swallowing air, it can set off gastric problems, burping, and gas.

But without a doubt, the main risk of eating fast without chewing is stomach torsion. This intense disease must be treated urgently because the dog could die fast. The mortality rate is very high. The symptoms are a swollen abdomen, walking hunched over, apathy, and trying to vomit unsuccessfully.

Tips so that your dog stops eating a lot (or fast)

Vacuum cleaner pets are very common. Almost every family has one. Pay attention to these tips that will prevent your dog from eating so much:

Give small portions to him several times a day

They recommend that the same large portion be divided in at least two smaller ones. That way, they can better digest the food, and don’t spend so much time with an empty stomach. This way, the animal will be less hungry and won’t devour what he has in his dish.

Put a plate upside down

It’s not a magic trick or anything like that. Rather, the shape is different under the plate and has some nooks and crannies where the dog will have to uncover or make an effort to finish what’s inside. There are even some that they sell with “ingenious games” to better satisfy their function.

Use toys that can be filled

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In specialized stores they sell some toys that can be filled with dog food or homemade food. They’re made of rubber. While your pet plays, the toy lets him look for the food and show off his hunting instinct.

Lastly, we advise that if you have several dogs, feed them separately. Otherwise the dogs will feel more stressed and pressured to finish their food. When there is another animal nearby, they feel attacked or threatened and therefore eat more quickly. That way you avoid problems if your dog eats a lot.

Greed and gluttony are two deadly sins for pets. If your pet practically swallows everything that he has within reach, always has a voracious appetite and can eat without stopping, then you should be careful… he could get sick! Remember that a dog with proper eating habits is a healthy and strong pet. In this article, we are going to tell you how to prevent your dog from eating too much.

My dog eats a lot: why?

There are some dogs that never satisfy their hunger and are always eager for their dish to be filled with food. When their owners are having lunch or dinner, they walk from here to there, waiting for something to fall on the floor. Or, they beg and cry so that their owners share a small piece of what they are enjoying.

Some figure

Veterinarians indicate that a gluttonous dog isn’t born, but rather he’s made. This means that it depends on the upbringing that he has had since he was a puppy; it determines how the animal will be for the rest of his life. This is mainly because family members “spoiled” him by giving him food to eat at different times or when they were eating something.

In turn, if the dog doesn’t play enough or go for enough walks, he will find shelter in food, a source of satisfaction for so much accumulated energy. It’s good to know that the dog doesn’t understand that you need to abide by the rules.

Don’t forget to take him to the veterinarian to rule out any illnesses that could make him eat a lot. The two most common diseases in this case are mellitus diabetes or hormonal changes.

My dog eats a lot… and fast!

Another common problem in animals is that they gulp down food without stopping and breathing. This is truly bad for them. Swallowing without chewing is an instinctive attitude that comes from their ancestors and close relatives, the wolves. It can cause intestinal problems.

The faster he eats, the less he chews. The bad thing is that between the dog food and the beef or chicken bones that are on the plate, the animal can choke or the food can get stuck in his throat. Since he is also swallowing air, it can set off gastric problems, burping, and gas.

But without a doubt, the main risk of eating fast without chewing is stomach torsion. This intense disease must be treated urgently because the dog could die fast. The mortality rate is very high. The symptoms are a swollen abdomen, walking hunched over, apathy, and trying to vomit unsuccessfully.

Tips so that your dog stops eating a lot (or fast)

Vacuum cleaner pets are very common. Almost every family has one. Pay attention to these tips that will prevent your dog from eating so much:

Give small portions to him several times a day

They recommend that the same large portion be divided in at least two smaller ones. That way, they can better digest the food, and don’t spend so much time with an empty stomach. This way, the animal will be less hungry and won’t devour what he has in his dish.

Put a plate upside down

It’s not a magic trick or anything like that. Rather, the shape is different under the plate and has some nooks and crannies where the dog will have to uncover or make an effort to finish what’s inside. There are even some that they sell with “ingenious games” to better satisfy their function.

Use toys that can be filled

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In specialized stores they sell some toys that can be filled with dog food or homemade food. They’re made of rubber. While your pet plays, the toy lets him look for the food and show off his hunting instinct.

Lastly, we advise that if you have several dogs, feed them separately. Otherwise the dogs will feel more stressed and pressured to finish their food. When there is another animal nearby, they feel attacked or threatened and therefore eat more quickly. That way you avoid problems if your dog eats a lot.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.