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Dog Racing Has Finally Been Banned

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Dog Racing Has Finally Been Banned
Last update: 04 July, 2018

Dogs are used for so many good purposes. This is also true for therapy dogs, who help people with autism, cancer, disease detection, seeing-eye dogs, and so much more. However, unfortunately, dogs have also been used for purposes that are not good or noble. One of these purposes is dog racing.

Different organizations have fought for years to eradicate these actions. Until today, little has been achieved, because despite being punishable by law, it is not always easy to find the culprits. However, we have excellent news that we want to share with you. Dog racing has finally been banned!


Dog Racing: Banned at Last

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This news relates to Argentina, a country where greyhound races were common. After numerous demonstrations and petitions by its citizens, the government decided to consider this issue in further detail.

They granted a vote for or against this cruel action. Although, this was not easy, there was a revolt outside the Congress door.

The activists who favor the ban on these races arrived early to start the vigil process. While those against the ban of dog racing did the same.

These people are known as “grey-hounders”. They are the people who control the racing business.

Later that day, insults, shouting and even pushing took place. It reached such a point that the police had to intervene. Although, as humans when we defend something, we do it with passion.

Inside, the situation was no different. Many abstained from voting. Those who were against prohibiting voters fought to change other people’s opinions.

However, the victory was overwhelming: 132 votes in favor versus 17 votes against. There were 23 abstentions. Dog racing was banned throughout the country.


What Penalties will be Imposed?

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The new law, drafted by the Civic Coalition senator, prohibits dog racing for any breed of dog, not only the greyhound. Those who bypass the law and organize dog races will face prison sentences of between 3 months and 4 years long. They will also face fines on amounts between $4,000 and $80,000.

The non-profit organizations that have worked to achieve this, are delighted. One of these, the Galgos Project, has always stressed the need to make dog racing illegal, with prison and economic penalties. As they explained to a local news reporter:

“The races are a business in which greyhounds are a product, used to obtain millionaire benefits, both in prizes, as well as in bets and treatment sales.”

“The greyhounds are locked in cages in total darkness as a way to break their character. The grey-hounders put rope around the dogs and make them run where the animals fall or get burned. At 6 months old, they give the dogs drugs to make them better runners. These drugs contain strychnine, arsenic, ephedrine, Viagra or steroids. Ten minutes before going out to run, they are given a final injection in the neck or chest. This may contain methamphetamines and even liquid cocaine with vitamins.”

According to veterinarian Andrea Diratchette: “After a Sunday race, we see dogs with fractures, systemic problems, cardiac arrests, and sudden deaths. Those who get hurt are subjected to forced racing.  They stand them up and, even if they have fractures, they make them race.”

Without a doubt, after reading these comments, it is clear that prohibiting dog racing was an urgent matter. Here at My Animals, we are very happy that it was achieved!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.