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Everything You Need to Know About Vaccines

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Everything You Need to Know About Vaccines
Last update: 10 December, 2018

One of the biggest concerns of people who are planning on adopting a dog or cat is knowing the protocol to follow theirvaccines. Dogs and cats can get infections and diseases from being exposed to the outside world.

Would you like to know what you should do about this subject with your new little friend?

If you are interested in knowing more about vaccines then you can read this aritle to learn how to do it. But first let’s see why vaccines are necessary.

What are vaccines?

They are an injection of dead microorganisms that causes an autoimmune response in your pet. That is, it’s a way to prepare their body for infections or diseases that may occur in the future.

What types of vaccines are there?


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Even though the veterinarian will be the one who will set up your pet’s the vaccination schedule, you can still look at the list below fro the most common vaccines.

  • Kennel cough. This should be one of the first vaccines that should be administered in a dog, to be precise between 15 and 30 days of life. This vaccine won’t be mandatory for all dogs (ask the veterinarian), but it will be particularly necessary for dogs that will live or have contact with others dos.
  • Parvovirus and distemper. This vaccine is essential to protect the health and life of your pet. The first dose will be administered between 45 to 50 days. The second one between 60 and 65 days and finally one last dose will be given after 75 days. However, this vaccine will be administered twice a year for the rest of your pet’s life.
  • Anti-rabies. This vaccine will be administered 100 days after birth and an annuel booster will be necessary.
  • Combo vaccine. This vaccine will be composed of different microorganisms that will have the ability to fight against severa; diseases such as canine influenza, hepatitis, coronavirus, and Leptospira. The first dose will be administered at 60 days, the second at 75 and then once a year for the rest of the dog’s life.


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These are the necessary and mandatory vaccines for cats:

  • The triple feline vaccine. This is a mandatory vaccine that you should administer to your cat at 3.6 and 12 months of life, along with an annual booster. It has the ability to fight against these three diseases:
  1. Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis
  2. Feline Calicivirus
  3. Feline Leukemia
  • Leukemia. This is a very common disease in cats, so preventing it through vaccines will help keep your pet healthy. It should be administered at 4 and 5 months and then at 17 months. Afterwards, it will be necessary give your cat an annual booster.
  • Anti-rabies. The first shot shall take place at the age of six months, and afterward an annual booster will be necessary.

These are the most important vaccines that your dog or your cat will need. Just like we mentioned before, the veterinarian will decide the procedure to follow.

Having a pet is more than beleveing that their body only needs food and water in order to be healthy. Pets also required being taken care of, protectored, and vaccines play a very important role in this.

Once you get your puppy, don’t let too much time pass by when it comes to taking your pet to the vet and finding out what vaccines are best for them. Although you may have pay an unexpected charge, it will help keep your pet healthy. Also it will also save you from worries and larger veterinary expenses in the future.

One of the biggest concerns of people who are planning on adopting a dog or cat is knowing the protocol to follow theirvaccines. Dogs and cats can get infections and diseases from being exposed to the outside world.

Would you like to know what you should do about this subject with your new little friend?

If you are interested in knowing more about vaccines then you can read this aritle to learn how to do it. But first let’s see why vaccines are necessary.

What are vaccines?

They are an injection of dead microorganisms that causes an autoimmune response in your pet. That is, it’s a way to prepare their body for infections or diseases that may occur in the future.

What types of vaccines are there?


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Even though the veterinarian will be the one who will set up your pet’s the vaccination schedule, you can still look at the list below fro the most common vaccines.

  • Kennel cough. This should be one of the first vaccines that should be administered in a dog, to be precise between 15 and 30 days of life. This vaccine won’t be mandatory for all dogs (ask the veterinarian), but it will be particularly necessary for dogs that will live or have contact with others dos.
  • Parvovirus and distemper. This vaccine is essential to protect the health and life of your pet. The first dose will be administered between 45 to 50 days. The second one between 60 and 65 days and finally one last dose will be given after 75 days. However, this vaccine will be administered twice a year for the rest of your pet’s life.
  • Anti-rabies. This vaccine will be administered 100 days after birth and an annuel booster will be necessary.
  • Combo vaccine. This vaccine will be composed of different microorganisms that will have the ability to fight against severa; diseases such as canine influenza, hepatitis, coronavirus, and Leptospira. The first dose will be administered at 60 days, the second at 75 and then once a year for the rest of the dog’s life.


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These are the necessary and mandatory vaccines for cats:

  • The triple feline vaccine. This is a mandatory vaccine that you should administer to your cat at 3.6 and 12 months of life, along with an annual booster. It has the ability to fight against these three diseases:
  1. Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis
  2. Feline Calicivirus
  3. Feline Leukemia
  • Leukemia. This is a very common disease in cats, so preventing it through vaccines will help keep your pet healthy. It should be administered at 4 and 5 months and then at 17 months. Afterwards, it will be necessary give your cat an annual booster.
  • Anti-rabies. The first shot shall take place at the age of six months, and afterward an annual booster will be necessary.

These are the most important vaccines that your dog or your cat will need. Just like we mentioned before, the veterinarian will decide the procedure to follow.

Having a pet is more than beleveing that their body only needs food and water in order to be healthy. Pets also required being taken care of, protectored, and vaccines play a very important role in this.

Once you get your puppy, don’t let too much time pass by when it comes to taking your pet to the vet and finding out what vaccines are best for them. Although you may have pay an unexpected charge, it will help keep your pet healthy. Also it will also save you from worries and larger veterinary expenses in the future.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.