Where Should You Bury Your Pet?

There are some things in life that no one wants to deal with. Unfortunately, when they do happen, it’s best to be prepared beforehand. Burying your pet is certainly a painful process and might not know what to do when it happens. Therefore, continue reading this article to look at some helpful tips on how to bury your pet.
Where to bury your pet: different options
If your dog has a disease, or is very old, little by little you might be getting used to the idea that sooner or later the will leave end up passing away. That’s a painful thought, of course, but accepting it is the first step.
However, sometimes pets “leave” their owners unexpectedly in the event of an accident taking place. Therefore, you need to know what to do with the animal’s remains.
When your pet passes away at the veterinary clinic, it can be easier because the vet himself will take care of everything. However, if the dog dies at home or on the street, you most likely will have to ask for help.
At that time, you might not be emotionally or physically stable to take care of your deceased pet’s body. You might need someone to accompany you. It can be a family member, friend, or veterinarian who can instruct you on what you can do.
Where to bury your pet: with or without insurance
In some countries, like Spain, you can get a “pet insurance”, which covers this type of situation and advises where to take the animal to be buried. If you don’t have such coverage, you can pay for it when the animal dies. However, that will be more expensive, but you’ll only have to pay once.

City halls usually have a special service for burying pets and giving them the farewell they deserve. By law (in Spain), you can’t dig holes anywhere to bury your pet.
This law exists to prevent burial errors that can cuase public health issues from a decomposing body. Don’t forget that some animals, such as vultures, can detect remains several kilometers away.
Another thing to keep in mind if your dog dies is to notify the authorities to cancel their identification microchip. You can directly call city hall and have them take care of everything. Basically, in Spain there are three funeral options:
1. Collective cremation
The bodies of several animals– other pet s– are cremated together and the owners do not receive the ashes.
2. Individual cremation
You must pay about 250 euros to a private company that can do this. The cremation takes about three hours, and the owner receives an urn with the ashes in it.
3. Burial
While there aren’t too many pet cemeteries in the country, it might be a good option if there is one nearby. The burial will be similar to that of a person, and will include a coffin and a tombstone. The owner must pay for all the expenses.

Can you bury your pet in your yard?
This is unthinkable for people who live in the city or whose city or town prohibits it. However, some countries don’t have laws against it, and they allow people to bury pets in rural areas on their own land.
It’s important to keep in mind that the animal should be buried as soon as possible — maximum 24 hours after death — to prevent the spread of disease.
The place where it will be buried is really important. Make sure that it’s at least 30 meters away from the house, and at least 50 meters away from water sources like streams, swamps, or rivers to prevent contamination.
As for the hole depth, it depends on the animal’s size (burying a Newfoundland is different from burying a Miniature Pinscher), but it should be at least one meter deep. Place the animal in a sturdy plastic bag and then in a coffin or wooden box. Throw a good amount of dirt on top of it, and place a large stone or weight on top of it to prevent other animals from digging it up.
After a few weeks, you can plant flowers or a tree on the spot where you buried your pet. It’s a lovely way to honor them the way they deserve.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Giraldo-Echeverri, Carlos Andrés; Ruiz Cortés, Zulma Tatiana; Olivera Ángel, M. (2009). Brucella canis EN MEDELLÍN (COLOMBIA), UN PROBLEMA ACTUAL. Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgación Científica.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.