Plant-Based Milk: A Great Alternative to Dairy

Whether because of allergies, lactose intolerance, or for ethical reasons, more and more people are buying plant-based milk as an alternative to dairy. Today, we’re going to tell you about the different plant-based milks out there, and their health benefits.
4 plant-based milks as an alternative to dairy milk
1. Soy milk
Soy milk is basically a combination of soy extract and water. The amino acids in soy make it very easy to digest, so it’s a great choice for people with sensitive stomachs. You can even get it sugar free, or in flavors like vanilla, coconut, and chocolate.
It’s also one of the most nutritious plant-based milks. It contains lecithin (which helps prevent arteriosclerosis), B vitamins, calcium, and phosphorus. The protein in it also helps calcium get to your bones, which is a big part of osteoporosis prevention.
2. Soft, creamy almond milk

Almond milk is another great plant-based alternative to dairy. It’s made of almonds, water, and usually some kind of sweetener. It also has up to 50% of your daily value of vitamin E. Plus, it has 1/3 less calories than an average glass of 2% fat milk.
The only disadvantage to it is that it’s low in protein. Soy milk and cow’s milk both beat it here.
3. Rice milk
All you need for rice milk is boiled rice, brown rice malt, and starch. It’s especially good for people with allergies because there’s no soy, nuts, or gluten in it.
Compared to soy and cow’s milk, rice milk is high in carbohydrates and low in calcium and proteins. It’s also too watery to be a good milk substitute, especially for cooking with.
4. Coconut milk is becoming very popular

Coconut milk is the most similar to dairy milk because of its texture. Its flavor also makes it great for desserts. Plus, it has no soy or gluten, and has a lot of potassium.
Coconut milk is high in calories (so it’s not a great choice if you’re on a diet). But it’s also not as nutritious as cow’s milk. One glass of coconut milk contains 1 gram of protein and 100 mg of calcium. A glass of cow’s milk, on the other hand, has 8 grams of protein and 300 mg of calcium.
Did you know all these things about plant-based milk before? Maybe this was just the push you needed to make the switch to one of them.
Whether because of allergies, lactose intolerance, or for ethical reasons, more and more people are buying plant-based milk as an alternative to dairy. Today, we’re going to tell you about the different plant-based milks out there, and their health benefits.
4 plant-based milks as an alternative to dairy milk
1. Soy milk
Soy milk is basically a combination of soy extract and water. The amino acids in soy make it very easy to digest, so it’s a great choice for people with sensitive stomachs. You can even get it sugar free, or in flavors like vanilla, coconut, and chocolate.
It’s also one of the most nutritious plant-based milks. It contains lecithin (which helps prevent arteriosclerosis), B vitamins, calcium, and phosphorus. The protein in it also helps calcium get to your bones, which is a big part of osteoporosis prevention.
2. Soft, creamy almond milk

Almond milk is another great plant-based alternative to dairy. It’s made of almonds, water, and usually some kind of sweetener. It also has up to 50% of your daily value of vitamin E. Plus, it has 1/3 less calories than an average glass of 2% fat milk.
The only disadvantage to it is that it’s low in protein. Soy milk and cow’s milk both beat it here.
3. Rice milk
All you need for rice milk is boiled rice, brown rice malt, and starch. It’s especially good for people with allergies because there’s no soy, nuts, or gluten in it.
Compared to soy and cow’s milk, rice milk is high in carbohydrates and low in calcium and proteins. It’s also too watery to be a good milk substitute, especially for cooking with.
4. Coconut milk is becoming very popular

Coconut milk is the most similar to dairy milk because of its texture. Its flavor also makes it great for desserts. Plus, it has no soy or gluten, and has a lot of potassium.
Coconut milk is high in calories (so it’s not a great choice if you’re on a diet). But it’s also not as nutritious as cow’s milk. One glass of coconut milk contains 1 gram of protein and 100 mg of calcium. A glass of cow’s milk, on the other hand, has 8 grams of protein and 300 mg of calcium.
Did you know all these things about plant-based milk before? Maybe this was just the push you needed to make the switch to one of them.
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