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How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Fever

3 minutes
There are numerous signs that a cat has a fever. Some of the symptoms are: having a dry nose, loss of appetite, not cleaning themselves and aggressiveness. 
How To Tell If Your Cat Has A Fever
Last update: 01 November, 2018

Animals able to show that they don’t feel good, or something is hurting them without the need of using words. In order to find out if your cat has a fever, you should pay attention to their symptoms, and especially their mood swings. Continue reading this article to find out more.

Does my cat have a fever?

A cat’s body temperature varies between 38 and 39°C. They get a fever when their temperature is higher. This might be due to a disease, infection, or health problem.

You can determine whether your cat has a fever due to their behavior, without having to take their temperature with a thermometer — something that can be difficult to do when the cat is sick or annoyed.

1. Hiding

It’s true that cats love to be in quiet places like underneath a bed or a table. However, if they have a fever they won’t want to leave these places for anything in the world (not even for food or their toys). In some cases, they might hide in places where it’s difficult for them to get out on their own. Also, they won’t want to have contact with people or other animals.

2. Change in voice

Cats are very “noisy” in the sense that they use different noises to express themselves. Some may become completely quiet and calm when having a fever. Others might spend hours meowing and screaming constantly. In either case, this is something the owners should pay attention to.

3. Dry nos

This is another clue that something is happening to your pet. Just like a dog, a wet nose means a cat is healthy. However, when there is something wrong with your cat, they will have a dry nose and sometimes it can even be hot.

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4. They are less active

Cats usually spend several hours sleeping every day; that’s nothing new. However, they usually wake up during certain times during the day — especially at night — play, eat, sniff around the house, etc.

When a cat has a fever they’ll stay in bed without moving, with irritated eyes, not wanting to move a single muscle. They’ll be gloomy, weak, and apathetic.

Do a test by showing them something that normally catches their attention, like a toy or something that makes noise. Shake a bag, toss them their favorite ball. If they don’t make an effort to catch it or raise their head in alert, they might be sick.

5. Loss of appetite

You can tell if your cat has lost their appetite just by looking at the amount of food that they have left in their dish throughout the day. A sick cat will reject their food, even if it’s their favorite.

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Also, check to see if they are drinking their water. It’s very important for them to stay hydrated, especially if they’re having a fever. Do your best to get them to drink at least a small amount.

6. Aggression

This is another sign that something is wrong with your cat, especially if they’re normally affectionate or playful. Aggression is the way animals defend themselves, and when they feel sick, everything seems like an attack. Therefore, they might try to bite, scratch, meow or arch their backs. They will avoid making contact with you in any way they can.

7. Not cleaning themselves

One of the obvious signs that a pet is sick or is in pain is when they stop cleaning themselves, which is something that’s essential for cats. If they don’t groom, lick, or clean their fur as usual, it usually indicates a fever or illness.

8. Vomiting or diarrhea

Many feline diseases that cause fevers also cause vomiting or diarrhea. You must check their litterbox or around their beds to find these things. they may not cover their waste with litter like they normally would. 

Animals able to show that they don’t feel good, or something is hurting them without the need of using words. In order to find out if your cat has a fever, you should pay attention to their symptoms, and especially their mood swings. Continue reading this article to find out more.

Does my cat have a fever?

A cat’s body temperature varies between 38 and 39°C. They get a fever when their temperature is higher. This might be due to a disease, infection, or health problem.

You can determine whether your cat has a fever due to their behavior, without having to take their temperature with a thermometer — something that can be difficult to do when the cat is sick or annoyed.

1. Hiding

It’s true that cats love to be in quiet places like underneath a bed or a table. However, if they have a fever they won’t want to leave these places for anything in the world (not even for food or their toys). In some cases, they might hide in places where it’s difficult for them to get out on their own. Also, they won’t want to have contact with people or other animals.

2. Change in voice

Cats are very “noisy” in the sense that they use different noises to express themselves. Some may become completely quiet and calm when having a fever. Others might spend hours meowing and screaming constantly. In either case, this is something the owners should pay attention to.

3. Dry nos

This is another clue that something is happening to your pet. Just like a dog, a wet nose means a cat is healthy. However, when there is something wrong with your cat, they will have a dry nose and sometimes it can even be hot.

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4. They are less active

Cats usually spend several hours sleeping every day; that’s nothing new. However, they usually wake up during certain times during the day — especially at night — play, eat, sniff around the house, etc.

When a cat has a fever they’ll stay in bed without moving, with irritated eyes, not wanting to move a single muscle. They’ll be gloomy, weak, and apathetic.

Do a test by showing them something that normally catches their attention, like a toy or something that makes noise. Shake a bag, toss them their favorite ball. If they don’t make an effort to catch it or raise their head in alert, they might be sick.

5. Loss of appetite

You can tell if your cat has lost their appetite just by looking at the amount of food that they have left in their dish throughout the day. A sick cat will reject their food, even if it’s their favorite.

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Also, check to see if they are drinking their water. It’s very important for them to stay hydrated, especially if they’re having a fever. Do your best to get them to drink at least a small amount.

6. Aggression

This is another sign that something is wrong with your cat, especially if they’re normally affectionate or playful. Aggression is the way animals defend themselves, and when they feel sick, everything seems like an attack. Therefore, they might try to bite, scratch, meow or arch their backs. They will avoid making contact with you in any way they can.

7. Not cleaning themselves

One of the obvious signs that a pet is sick or is in pain is when they stop cleaning themselves, which is something that’s essential for cats. If they don’t groom, lick, or clean their fur as usual, it usually indicates a fever or illness.

8. Vomiting or diarrhea

Many feline diseases that cause fevers also cause vomiting or diarrhea. You must check their litterbox or around their beds to find these things. they may not cover their waste with litter like they normally would. 

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.