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What to Do If My Dog Vomits Often?

2 minutes
If your dog vomits often then you should contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. They’ll make a diagnosis and indicate the appropriate treatment that can reverse it.
What to Do If My Dog Vomits Often?
Last update: 18 February, 2019

Let’s start by understanding that if your dog vomits, then it’s a sign that something is wrong. While it may often vomit from overeating, or from gulping his food down, he might also be vomiting due to a serious illness. 

It’s for this reason that it’s so important to determine what’s causing your dog to vomit so often. Knowledge is power and you’ll be able to help him overcome the situation –and improve it.

Collect a sample of your pet’s vomit for the veterinarian to analyze. It’ll surely help them find the cause much faster, so they can diagnose what’s wrong, and suggest the appropriate treatment.

Make sure your dog isn’t dehydrated if he vomits frequently

Hydration is essential in a dog that vomits often. Regardless of the cause, frequent vomiting leads to dehydration.

For this reason, your furry friend must always have access to plenty of fresh water. Don’t force him to drink, however. He’ll drink when he’s thirsty.

And while the veterinarian can prescribe medication to reduce the vomiting, it’s essential that you treat the illness that’s causing it.

In any case, there are several things you can do to prevent vomiting –as long as it’s not related to conditions that require specific treatment.

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How to reduce vomiting in your pet

Here are some actions you can take if your dog vomits often:

  • Don’t make drastic changes in his diet. e.g. don’t change brands of food suddenly. Go about it gradually, so that his body slowly assimilates the new diet.
  • Deworm your dog, both internally and externally.
  • Don’t let your pet overindulge on food, nor alter his usual diet with extra meals or excessive sweets. And don’t give in to his persistent cries for more.
  • Make sure he can’t eat waste from trash cans. Also, ensure that it doesn’t have access to toxic substances –both inside and outside the home.

Illnesses that may cause vomiting in your dog

If you notice that your dog is trying to eat grass, take it as a clear sign that it’s trying to induce vomit to relieve digestive discomfort. If the animal insists on doing so, take it to your vet to find out what’s wrong. The canine may be allergic to certain foods and become ill as a consequence. If this is the case then you have to find out what’s causing it.

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There are other reasons that may be the causing your four-legged pal to vomit more than usual, however. Some of them are very serious:

Warning signs of persistent vomiting in your pet

It can be considered an emergency if your dog has any of the following symptoms:

  • Weak looking
  • Shows no appetite
  • Doesn’t want to drink water
  • Has abdominal distension
  • There’s blood in the vomit
  • Feverish

Don’t waste any time when you notice these symptoms – your canine pal will be so grateful!

Let’s start by understanding that if your dog vomits, then it’s a sign that something is wrong. While it may often vomit from overeating, or from gulping his food down, he might also be vomiting due to a serious illness. 

It’s for this reason that it’s so important to determine what’s causing your dog to vomit so often. Knowledge is power and you’ll be able to help him overcome the situation –and improve it.

Collect a sample of your pet’s vomit for the veterinarian to analyze. It’ll surely help them find the cause much faster, so they can diagnose what’s wrong, and suggest the appropriate treatment.

Make sure your dog isn’t dehydrated if he vomits frequently

Hydration is essential in a dog that vomits often. Regardless of the cause, frequent vomiting leads to dehydration.

For this reason, your furry friend must always have access to plenty of fresh water. Don’t force him to drink, however. He’ll drink when he’s thirsty.

And while the veterinarian can prescribe medication to reduce the vomiting, it’s essential that you treat the illness that’s causing it.

In any case, there are several things you can do to prevent vomiting –as long as it’s not related to conditions that require specific treatment.

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How to reduce vomiting in your pet

Here are some actions you can take if your dog vomits often:

  • Don’t make drastic changes in his diet. e.g. don’t change brands of food suddenly. Go about it gradually, so that his body slowly assimilates the new diet.
  • Deworm your dog, both internally and externally.
  • Don’t let your pet overindulge on food, nor alter his usual diet with extra meals or excessive sweets. And don’t give in to his persistent cries for more.
  • Make sure he can’t eat waste from trash cans. Also, ensure that it doesn’t have access to toxic substances –both inside and outside the home.

Illnesses that may cause vomiting in your dog

If you notice that your dog is trying to eat grass, take it as a clear sign that it’s trying to induce vomit to relieve digestive discomfort. If the animal insists on doing so, take it to your vet to find out what’s wrong. The canine may be allergic to certain foods and become ill as a consequence. If this is the case then you have to find out what’s causing it.

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There are other reasons that may be the causing your four-legged pal to vomit more than usual, however. Some of them are very serious:

Warning signs of persistent vomiting in your pet

It can be considered an emergency if your dog has any of the following symptoms:

  • Weak looking
  • Shows no appetite
  • Doesn’t want to drink water
  • Has abdominal distension
  • There’s blood in the vomit
  • Feverish

Don’t waste any time when you notice these symptoms – your canine pal will be so grateful!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Multiple magnetic gastrointestinal foreign bodies in a dog
    Garneau M, McCarthy R
    Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, vol. 246, issue 5 (2015) pp. 537-539
  • Poisoning of dogs with tremorgenic Penicillium toxins
    Eriksen G, Jäderlund K, Moldes-Anaya A, Schönheit J, Bernhoft A, Jæger G, Rundberget T, Skaar I
    Medical Mycology, vol. 48, issue 1 (2010) pp. 188-196

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.