Japanese Bobtail Cat

The Japanese Bobtail Cat is a historic pet.
The Japanese Bobtail Cat is maybe one of the most well-known cats worldwide. Did you know that some people believe they bring good luck? Read this article to learn about everything you need to know about this Japanese pet.

It’s believed that they were introduced to China in the 6th century. In the 17th century it was quite common to see these cats wandering around homes in feudal Japan.
Traits of the Japanese Bobtail Cat
These cats are medium-sized with a short tail that’s coiled like a spring due to a recessive gene. It looks like a rabbit’s tail, but hairier. Like most oriental cats, they have a fairly slim body, but with a bit more muscular physique.
Their back paws are bigger than their front ones, which makes it look like they are always about to jump on something. Their coat is very smooth, soft, and moderately long except for the tail, which usually catches a lot of people’s attention due to it being out of place. Each cat’s tail is different.
The Japanese Bobtail Cat’s coat is usually full of large, colorful spots all over the body. Their fur color varies between white, brown, black, and sometimes it is creamy. They have a triangular face with very prominent whiskers and pointed ears. They have round eyes just like other oriental animals.
Playful Family Members
The Japanese Bobtail Cat is perfect for a family setting. They are very active, which makes them playful animals that are curious about their environment. In regard to their personality, they are very loving and always behind their owners looking for attention and affection.
- They are very “talkative” cats. When talked to, they usually respond with a meow.
- They love greeting everyone with their paws. If the door opens very carefully, you will notice them welcoming visitors.
- Since they love to play, they get along very well with children. This is a healthy way to make sure they are entertained and physically active.
It’s worth mentioning that they are very healthy cats, resistant to almost any disease. When it comes to breeding, they have litters of three to four kittens that walk faster than other cat breeds.
- As of birth, their tail is already partially developed, although it will continue growing.
During the 16th century, the silk industry was in a crisis because of these cats. The silk caterpillar was one of these cat’s favorite prey, which resulted in the cats being thrown outdoors.
A mystical cat
The Bobtail Cat has been living with the Japanese long enough to become the inspiration of some myths:

Tragic origin
A Japanese legend says that the Bobtail’s has its characteristic tail due to getting it accidentally burned off during a house fire. The scared cat, runs through the city with its tail on fire and burns everything in its path. So the emperor orders that all cats’ tails must be cut off to prevent this from happening again.
The monster cat: Bakeneko
According to Japanese folklore, a Bobtail Cat becomes a Bakeneko when it reaches a certain age and size. It becomes aggressive, its tail grows, and it wanders through the streets, doing mischief to travelers in the area.
- In contrast, the Maneki-Neko, or the lucky cat, also exists. In the Buddhist temple of Gotokiji, near Tokyo, there is a temple dedicated to this legend. You can find statuettes of this cat all around the world. Curiously, people consider it a Chinese tradition.
With that in mind, the Bobtail Cat is one of the best pets to have at home. They will bring you constant happiness and companionship. Not to mention good luck, if you believe in ancient Japanese legends.
Source of the images: Speznas35
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