Are You Ready to Adopt a New Dog?

You as a dog lover, every time you see one on the street, you can’t help but go over to pet it. You may be thinking about getting one as a pet, but still, haven’t made your decision. Ever since your last dog passed away, you probably think you’ll never be able to love another dog the same way, and that it’s better to be alone instead of suffering a few years later. However, maybe you are able to adopt a new dog.
This should be a well-thought-out decision and you have to be ready to make it. Therefore, in today’s article, we’ll help you take the most crucial factors into consideration before you get a new dog.
Before you adopt a new dog

Before you adopt a new dog, there’s something very important that you must do: accept the death of the last one.
A dog becomes part of your family. It’s normal to feel pain when he passes away. You shouldn’t be ashamed or it, or pretend you’re not suffering because people will make fun of you.
Cry, yell, look at pictures, do what you need to do in order to get over your dog’s death. Give yourself time, because even though you would love to have a pet in your home again, remember that they’ll depend on you, and you need to be well in order to care for your pet.
Also, if there are other members of your family, especially children, you must make sure that they have gotten over the animal’s death as well before you adopt a new dog. Talk about your previous dog together as a family, and explain to them about the cycle of life and death. Make them understand how beneficial it could be to have a new dog at home. Another thing to keep in mind is not to make any comparisons!
This is something that usually happens very easily. We know that animals aren’t objects. However, transitioning from one to another is like making a substitution. It’s only natural to eventually make comparisons. In fact, an estimated 70% of families who lose a pet choose another one with similar characteristics.
That’s not a bad thing, as long as you avoid comparing them. Every animal is unique, and even though they might look alike, the way their hair feels, the look in their eyes, the way they walk, how they eat, and above all their personality will be different.
Before you adopt a new dog you need to realize that it’s a different animal. Understand that they’re giving you the opportunity to bond with them, become friends with them, and teach them, the same way you did with your last pet. Only then can you be happy, and make them happy too.
It’s important to take the opinions of other family members into consideration before adopting a new dog. Everyone should agree on what breed, color, size, and age the animal will have. That way, everyone will feel comfortable and have peace at home with their new pet.
The time has come to adopt a new dog

Adopting is always a better option than buying. There are hundreds of shelters, rescue centers, and even kennels. You can check them out to see if they have the dog you’re seeking.
You may have thought about getting a puppy, and most likely can find one in any of those places. However, sometimes there are also well-trained young dogs that may suit your needs.
Go with an open mind. Choose the one you like, and they’ll give you some time alone with the dog. Observe how they play and eat, and ask the center’s director everything you want to know. They are always willing to help.
You can ask questions about their personality, and whether they can get along with other dogs or animals. Ask if they have any diseases or anything else that might come to mind.
We give you our condolences for your pet’s death. We’re sure that within time, you’ll be able to find a new canine friend who will make you happy. Of course, it won’t be the same as your last day, but you won’t regret having your new dog.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.