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Mexico Proposed to Toughen Penalties Against Animal Abuse

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Mexico Proposed to Toughen Penalties Against Animal Abuse
Last update: 24 January, 2018

Animal abuse is an evil that seems to have spread to almost every city in the world. However, Mexico is usually mentioned among the countries that, unfortunately, stands out for just that.  However, there is good news. For some time now, Mexico has been promoting a variety of laws and proceedings to reverse the situation.

The initiative responsible for toughening the penalties for crimes against animals was led by congresswoman Guadalupe Torres Sánchez. She is a member of the Justice Comission of the San Luis Potosí State Congress.

Reforming the Penal Code to Escalate Penalties for Animal Abuse

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To achieve their objective, Torres Sánchez— who is a member of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) bloc—is promoting an initiative to reform the Criminal Code of the State. This  represents and seeks to increase fines and prison sentences. Additionally, it seeks the incorporation of an aggravating mechanism. And, this would be according to the degree of abuse the victims suffered.

Legal details on animal abuse

Now, the sentences range from three months to one year in prison. However, according to the legislator, they are still not enough to inhibit this type of foul animal abuse.

The deputy was moved by an event that was aberrant. It took place in Santo Domingo, one of the 58 municipalities that make up the state of San Luis Potosí. This is in the center-north region of the country. It is for that very reason that they consider it essential to change the regulations.

“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”
—Albert Schweitzer


A Great Example of Why Lawmakers Should Toughen Penalties Against Animal Abusers

The series of events gained Torres Sánchez’s a repudiation. It also brought light to a larger problem in Mexican society. In this case, a group of people set fire to a small stray dog. The people also attached explosives to the poor little animal’s body.
The crime came to light because a YouTube video. Basically, the video captured the unsightly and unfortunate series of events. Then, it went viral. As a result, the outrage spread across every single social media platform.

All about the video

In the video, you can see the dog engulfed in flames. The dog runs desperately while the criminals burst out laughing. Then, the criminals try to dodge it so as to avoid getting burned.
Fortunately, the justice department has already taken actions on the matter.

These Were the Changes Proposed to Increase Penalties for Animal Abuse

Torres Sánchez proposes to modify article 317 and add 317 Bis of Title XV, Chapter V of the code, entitled “Abuse of Domestic Animals.” The legislator proposes the following:

  • If the animal suffers injuries that do not imply permanent damage: one to two years in prison. Also, a fine equivalent to between 100 and 200 days of minimum wage. Additionally, the person will suffer disqualification for up to one year to practice a profession, business or trade that is related to the care of animals.
  • Or, if the injuries cause permanent damage: two to four years in prison, a pecuniary penalty of between 200 and 400 days of minimum wage and disqualification for up to two years.
  • In case of death of the animal:  three to five years in prison, a fine of 300 to 400 days of minimum wage and disqualification for up to three years.
  • If the pet is abandoned, putting it’s life and integrity at risk: 2 to 4 years in prison and a pecuniary sanction of between 200 and 400 days of minimum wage.The initiative also proposes that crimes related to animal abuse be prosecuted ex officio.

When it Comes to Protecting Animals, All Initiatives are Welcome

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The deputy pointed out that it is necessary to advance on issues such as breeding and illegal pet sales.

Undoubtedly there are a great variety of issues and varied sides by which one can address animal abuse.

Punitive actions never seem sufficient. That’s even truer when they are not accompanied by an campaign focused on awareness and education. The education is about the treatment that pets should receive. It also covers the treatment of animals in general.

Spread the word

Knowledge about animal rights and learning to care for animals is important. However, it is not something that everyone wants to take on.

In the meantime, any and all initiatives that contribute to alleviating these innocent creature’s suffering are always welcome.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.