Woman Reads to Shelter Dogs to Comfort Them

Reading is of little importance in many countries. It is known, however, that they recommend reading to children even before they are born, and motivating them to read from the beginning since reading brings huge benefits. But what effect can this have on animals? For instance, one woman reads to shelter dogs. But, does she have any benefit? Let’s see.
It’s obvious that, in the way that animals are, they don’t know how to read and couldn’t possibly understand it. If there are good feelings though, there will always be good results. Today we are going to talk about Sandy, a woman who wanted to do more for some animals who needed it.
Sandy, the woman who reads to shelter dogs

Sandy has always been an animal lover. In fact, she had a dog for several years, Angus. Angus was Sandy’s support throughout her life until about two years ago, when he passed away.
This, like all those who love animals will know, was a hard blow. Even so, this woman with a good heart wouldn’t stop thinking about how much love she received from Angus and what she could do to repay it.
Without a doubt, the answer was clear: return the love that she received? But how could she do it?
A volunteer who reads to shelter dogs
Near Sandy’s house there is an animal shelter called Western Pennsylvania Humane Society. In this shelter there are dozens of dogs waiting in solitude to be rescued by new owners that can give them all the love and affection that they need, and who the dogs can love back.
However, throughout the wait, Sandy makes them feel a little less alone with a new tactic: reading.
Each week, Sandy goes to this shelter and reads to the dogs at least one full day. With a children’s book and a heart filled with love, Sandy becomes a friend and a reason for these animals to “smile.”
In addition to reading, she tries to teach these dogs to shake, sit, or stand up, something that could aid in the adoption process. She also plays with them, pets them, and gives them all of the love she can.
However, Sandy herself recognizes that it hasn’t been easy to do this, as she has to fight against her feelings and thoughts that can make her dwell on how there are people capable of harming animals.
She knows that her work isn’t going to give a home to any of them, and many might not even know why she goes there. But to see them happy when she arrives is enough of a reward for her.
The members of the shelter staff are very grateful for Sandy’s work, because when she arrives, they see the joy that comes over the puppies. These animals are so grateful and every small gesture means a lot to them.
Sandy’s example, however, doesn’t have to be an isolated case. There are hundreds of shelters full of animals that are waiting for someone to be loving towards them. How can you collaborate with one?
How to help in an animal shelter 
We can all be like Sandy, this woman who reads to shelter dogs. These places need financial support, but they understand that it is not always in our power to do so. So they are also very grateful for those who take initiatives like Sandy’s.
Giving a little love and hope to these animals who haven’t had an easy life is a beautiful way to show that we want to create a better world for our friends.
You can also help out with food or veterinary care, cleaning, or even giving toys to the “tenants.”
In whatever way that you can contribute, it will be greatly appreciated by both the workers and by the “guests,” and you will feel the satisfaction of doing good for others.
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act.
-Bible Proverb
If you have the opportunity to volunteer in a shelter, do it! You won’t regret it! You will surely receive more than you give.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.