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When My Dog Stops Being a Puppy

3 minutes
When My Dog Stops Being a Puppy
Last update: 31 May, 2018

Maybe you’re used to having a little furball at home, but inevitably he will grow up, even if you wish he wouldn’t. And of course, a lot of things will change now that your little friend is growing, because your dog is no longer a puppy. But how do you know when your dog has stopped being a puppy so that you can make the proper changes?

At what age does my dog ​​stop being a puppy?

There’s no one-size-fits-all age for when a dog stops being a puppy. It will mostly depend upon the breed of the animal. Here are some examples:

Some figure
Credit: Angie Tarantino
  • A chihuahua, bichon or bull dog puppy will stop being a puppy at 10 months. For medium-sized breeds such as basset hounds or cocker spaniels, it’s about the same.
  • Large or giant breeds won’t stop being puppies until they reach 18 months. That’s why big dogs are much more playful.

It’s important to know because when a dog undergoes the transformation from puppy to adult, you’ll have to change his diet.

Feeding puppies

Puppies use up huge amounts of energy, so in addition to the necessary vitamins and proteins, their food should also be high in fat, or in other words, energy.

In addition, the dog food should be crunchy in order to strengthen his teeth. Although many think that it’s good to wet the puppy’s food with water or milk, that’s not true at all. Soft food will not help his teeth develop properly.

We recommend going with a well-known brand that may be a bit more expensive but will be better for your puppy in the long run. Also remember that your puppy should eat between 4 to 6 times a day, since they will use up a lot of energy throughout the day. They should not be huge portions, just consistent.

Reduce it to about four servings once he’s two or three months old; three between four and six months; and after six months, reduce it to two meals a day. But the whole feeding process for puppies will change as soon as your little buddy becomes an adult.

Feeding adult dogs

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When your puppy becomes an adult, his feeding must change. Hence the importance of knowing when this transformation happens. When your dog stops being a puppy, the amount of food should decrease greatly.

Starting at twelve months for small and medium-sized dogs or 18 for large-breed dogs, he should eat twice a day, max. The recommended amount is once, but if your dog seems hungry, you can split the amount into two portions. Remember that does not mean that you should double the ration. Rather, divide the amount of food into two.

Food is the foundation of your pet’s growth and health. That’s why it’s so important to be very alert to any changes you see in your puppy. Knowing when he stops being a puppy and turns into an adult is vital if you want him to grow well and be healthy.

If your puppy is adopted and you’re not sure about his age, ask the vet. They will give you some guidelines so when you have to make changes, you can be sure you’re doing so at the right time.

Maybe you’re used to having a little furball at home, but inevitably he will grow up, even if you wish he wouldn’t. And of course, a lot of things will change now that your little friend is growing, because your dog is no longer a puppy. But how do you know when your dog has stopped being a puppy so that you can make the proper changes?

At what age does my dog ​​stop being a puppy?

There’s no one-size-fits-all age for when a dog stops being a puppy. It will mostly depend upon the breed of the animal. Here are some examples:

Some figure
Credit: Angie Tarantino
  • A chihuahua, bichon or bull dog puppy will stop being a puppy at 10 months. For medium-sized breeds such as basset hounds or cocker spaniels, it’s about the same.
  • Large or giant breeds won’t stop being puppies until they reach 18 months. That’s why big dogs are much more playful.

It’s important to know because when a dog undergoes the transformation from puppy to adult, you’ll have to change his diet.

Feeding puppies

Puppies use up huge amounts of energy, so in addition to the necessary vitamins and proteins, their food should also be high in fat, or in other words, energy.

In addition, the dog food should be crunchy in order to strengthen his teeth. Although many think that it’s good to wet the puppy’s food with water or milk, that’s not true at all. Soft food will not help his teeth develop properly.

We recommend going with a well-known brand that may be a bit more expensive but will be better for your puppy in the long run. Also remember that your puppy should eat between 4 to 6 times a day, since they will use up a lot of energy throughout the day. They should not be huge portions, just consistent.

Reduce it to about four servings once he’s two or three months old; three between four and six months; and after six months, reduce it to two meals a day. But the whole feeding process for puppies will change as soon as your little buddy becomes an adult.

Feeding adult dogs

Some figure

When your puppy becomes an adult, his feeding must change. Hence the importance of knowing when this transformation happens. When your dog stops being a puppy, the amount of food should decrease greatly.

Starting at twelve months for small and medium-sized dogs or 18 for large-breed dogs, he should eat twice a day, max. The recommended amount is once, but if your dog seems hungry, you can split the amount into two portions. Remember that does not mean that you should double the ration. Rather, divide the amount of food into two.

Food is the foundation of your pet’s growth and health. That’s why it’s so important to be very alert to any changes you see in your puppy. Knowing when he stops being a puppy and turns into an adult is vital if you want him to grow well and be healthy.

If your puppy is adopted and you’re not sure about his age, ask the vet. They will give you some guidelines so when you have to make changes, you can be sure you’re doing so at the right time.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.