Dog Food Classified by Breed

Dog Food Classified by Breed

Last update: 20 July, 2018

Every dog is unique, which is why each one needs specific food according to his breed, age, and size. By doing so, you can help prevent your dog from getting any health problems and disorders.
Each pet requires a diet that fits his needs, so it’s important to learn about dog food for different sizes and breeds. In this article, you can find out what types of foods exist, and which one is the best for your canine.

Nutritional needs according to the dog’s size

As far as food is concerned, feeding a small dog isn’t the same as having a medium or large-sized one. Besides the fact that each one needs different amounts of food, you also have to consider the nutritional needs of each dog according to their size, which of course differs.

1. Small dogs

Although it may not seem like it, miniature breeds have higher energy needs than larger breeds, because they have faster metabolisms. Remember, these dog’s stomachs are small, and they cannot hold large amounts of food.

A small dog’s diet must be made up of high-energy food and nutrients that’s easily chewable and digestible.

dog food

2. Medium dogs

This group of breeds include shepherds, beagles and spaniels, which can have certain health problems related to poor nutrition. You could say that medium-sized dogs’ needs are in between the needs of small and large dogs, so the vet should prescribe your pet a specific diet.

3. Large dogs

While it’s true that they eat more, large breeds such as the Newfoundland, German Shepherd or Bullmastiff are usually less active than small ones. That means they are more likely to gain weight. Weight gain can cause bone problems related to an unbalanced diet, so it’s very important to give them special food.

Types of dog food by breed

Apart from an animal’s size, there are other issues to take into consideration when feeding them: the breed is one of them. A flat-nosed dog isn’t the same as one with a long snout. Not even a long-haired dog is like a short-haired one.

The good news is that there is dog food for different breeds, sizes and ages in pet stores and veterinary clinics. Commercial brands provide several options according to your pets’ needs.
Dog food has been manufactured to fit the specific nutritional requirements that animals have, because they facilitate good nutrition and prevent certain diseases. Some dog food options for each breed are:

1. Bulldog

Like other brachycephalic dogs, bulldogs usually regurgitate their food because their windpipes are too short and their jaws don’t close properly. Since they can’t chew their food properly, they need special triangle-shaped food with a certain size.

2. German Shepherd

One of the main problems this breed has are weak bones — especially the hip bones — when they reach a certain age. They also suffer from various joint-related diseases. Their food should contain calcium and other nutrients that strengthen bones.

3. Border Collie

This breed has a delicate stomach, and is prone to vomiting, ailments and pain after eating. If you have a Border Collie or plan to adopt one, it would be a good idea to feed him a special food for this breed, that has an ideal percentage of proteins and fibers to balance the intestinal flora.
dog food

4. Chihuahua

This little dog has a “delicate soft palate” and it won’t eat just any kind of food. However, don’t worry– manufacturers have made them a special type of food that is the right size for this breed’s tiny mouth, with smells and flavors that they like.

5. Saint Bernard

This is one of the largest dog breeds that exists. It can weigh up to 45 kilos and needs food that have not only proteins and vitamins, but also minerals and amino acids (such as L-carnitine). So, when your Saint Bernard eats this food, he’ll feel more energetic, his bones will get stronger, and he’ll be less likely to get certain diseases.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.