The Benefits of Honey for Dogs

Honey for Dogs: Yes or No?
Strictly speaking, your dog does not need honey to survive. It’s a carbohydrate that could well be avoided in a carnivore’s diet. However, that doesn’t mean it’s forbidden or it won’t sit well with them. Even adding a few vegetables to their diet for hydration wouldn’t be a bad idea.

The problem with giving your dog honey lies in how it’s used and administered. So, even though it’s not bad, it should not be a regular part of your dog’s diet. Additionally, consider the fact that the honey you buy in traditional supermarkets is extracted using heat instead of cold, and it’s not at all good to feed your pet.
The heat process makes honey lose many of its natural properties. Instead, you dog would just be getting pure sugar and artificial carbohydrates. Although it’s still a better choice than refined sugar, it’s still not recommended. Also be careful with how much honey your dog eats.
Honey in Your Dog’s Everyday Food
Veterinarians recommend honey in specific situations, such as a diabetic crisis, since it’s a quick-acting energy source. It can also be given to hunting dogs or other dogs who perform a lot of physical activity. However, there are other options more suitable for him: fresh, natural food meant for dogs, with medium to high amounts of fat.
It’s not bad for a dog to consume honey, as long as it’s not part of his usual diet. It’s fine occasionally, though; just spread a bit on a dog treat. Since honey is rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, it can be added as an ingredient in homemade dog biscuits, which you can give your dog as a treat from time to time.
It’s very important that you be aware that puppies cannot consume honey, similarly to human babies. No exceptions. But why? Well, because it contains a type of bacteria called Clostridium botulinum. It produces a neurotoxin in the intestines and has negative effects on both the digestive and nervous systems.
These spores are dangerous when a dog is less than 18 months old. After that period of time, his immune system will be strong enough to block infectious agents.
- Between 14 and 18 kg: ½ teaspoon per week.
- Between 20 and 28 kg: 1 teaspoon per week.
- Or between 30 and 38 kg: 1 and ½ teaspoon per week.
Pay close attention the first time you give your dog honey because he could be allergic. If so, he will vomit, have diarrhea, and experience very strong itching. If this happens, eliminate honey from his diet.
Healing Effects of Honey for Dogs
If you have already proven that your dog isn’t allergic to honey and you want to feed him some, considering the proper dosage for his weight, you may be interested in seeing what the benefits of honey for dogs are.
It reduces allergic reactions to pollen

If your furry friend has a pollen allergy, honey can help reduce the symptoms. Since honey contains pollen particles, it exposes the dog and, in a way, immunizes him. That way, every time you go outside, your dog won’t be sneezing like crazy.
It cures a cough
Just like with people, you can give honey to your dog to relieve a sore throat and colds.
It heals cuts and wounds
If your dog has been hurt in a fight or during playtime, you can spread some honey on the wound. Since your dog is bound to lick himself, there will be no problems with toxicity. Honey has antibiotic and antiseptic properties.
It reduces gastric issues
If your dog has indigestion, colitis or gastritis, you can give him a little honey to help. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it will control the growth of microorganisms in the stomach and intestine.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.